Squeaky Dolphin Stalks Online Users

II Timothy 3:13 But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.

If you have a Facebook, Twitter, YouTube or Blogger account, then the NSA and their British counterparts have used Operation Squeaky Dolphin to spy on you.

A document released by Edward Snowden to the Guardian newspaper and NBC News shows a program called Squeaky Dolphin that would track in real time users of major social media sites to build a profile of their interests.

The leaked document instructs users of the program how to target specific data sets within the websites to gain the information they wish to obtain.  Everything from Facebook likes and posted links, to Twitter messages with keywords to videos watched on YouTube was collected and sorted by the program.

The released document shows examples of real life Twitter user feeds collected without the user’s knowledge discussing the NSA and security matters.

The document also outlined how to hack into the servers of the major social media sites and obtain information without the knowledge of the website owners. Operators of Squeaky Dolphin then could track individual messages to the computer and location where they were posted.

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