Scientists Baffled By Solar Silence

Matthew 24:29 Immediately after the distress of those days "'the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from the sky, and the heavenly bodies will be shaken."

Scientists are concerned that something is very wrong with the sun.

The sun is supposed to be at the peak of an 11-year solar cycle, or what is called the “solar maximum.” This is when the sun’s magnetic poles usually reverse and cause such intense waves of magnetic force that it disrupts satellite communications and could even damage Earth’s electrical systems.

However, one NASA scientist said the current peak is “a total punk.”

A second NASA physicist called it “the weakest in 200 years.”

Andres Munzo-Jaramillo of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics told the Wall Street Journal there is no scientist alive who has been a solar cycle as weak as the current one.

Another puzzling factor for scientists is the lack of a flip in the sun’s two magnetic poles. The sun’s north pole reversed its polarity a year ago but the south pole has stayed the same resulting in the sun being out of sync. They expect the south pole to correct itself within the next month.

Some scientists say this weakened maximum could lead to a longer state of depressed solar activity or even a decrease in the sun’s luminosity.

7 thoughts on “Scientists Baffled By Solar Silence

  1. Thanks Jim and Lori for keeping us abreast of what is going on in the world from the biblical perspective. My church does not preach on the end times and being prepared. The only thing mentioned may be the coming “pretrib” rapture–which I do not agree with. I am very interested in end times and prophecy. I have realized that many, possibly most, are not interested in end times.

    I love watching and listening to the prophets on your show. What a blessing to bring them on and sound the alarms. You are cutting edge and more telling then the night time news!


  2. I was so please to read again the bio of Jim Bakker. My mom now deceased, back in the 80’s said that Jim Bakker is the modern day Saint Paul. No doubt God’s hand has been on him, directing his entire life from birth. I personally believe that if Jim Bakker says it…watch out…God speaks through him.

    It’s always amazed me that Jim is also so connected with knowledge of the solar system. I would really like someone to explain what I’ve been seeing the the south eastern skies in late evening. I have never before seen black clouds with blood red streats like the letter (v) followed by a long line. I sleep on the 13th floor of the towers and keep my drapes pulled back so that I can watch the heavens. Is it stupid to be watching for signs in the sky. I’m so anxious to see Jesus again.

    Polly Boehme
    “Desinty’s Doorway”

  3. Interesting that scientists are saying they are stumped by what the sun is doing or not doing. They aren’t talking about the approach of ISON, which could be why we are not seeing earthbound solar flares — the sun is shooting its flares at ISON as it approaches. Interesting that NASA is silent about it, but then claims to be “baffled” by solar silence?

  4. We watched your recent telecast where you were reading from Joel Rosenberg’s book. We have many of Joel’s books.

    Pastor Jim, please.. please… read “The Death of James Forrestal” by Cornell Simpson. It was written in 1966.

    One book should always lead you to reading another, right?

    Blessings upon your house and ministry.

  5. Thanks for clearing that up when Rick Joyner will be on. There are several different families
    that have been waiting to hear him. Now I can let them know when he will be on.
    Thanks for all the wonderful prophets you have had on in the last few weeks. We here in this
    small town have been enjoying your programs.
    Our Pastor has been teaching us the Torah on Sunday afternoons and we so enjoy learning
    about all of it and starting to put it into our lives. We also listen to Larry & Tiz teach the Torah.
    It is such a blessing to our lifes. It is wonderful to have such true teachings on the Bible.
    Thanks and may God richly bless you all in the ministry there.

  6. I love your show & look forward to it each day ‘I love the guests you have on your show & thank you for caring so much for people . GOD bless you all . I have ordered Rabi Johnathans Harbenger ,can’wait to get here

  7. Greetings to you, Breathern, I have become a “regular” in watching the Jim Bakker Show, as it has been of great benefit in having some of the most current and beneficial visiting prophets and researchers in the Christian “community”. Thank you.

    Also, having gone to Morning Star Ministries pretty regularly for many years, I was excited to see some weeks ago that you had planned on having Rick Joyner on the show in early November 6-7th. I know from watching Rick for the last weeks from Morning Star, that the information he has given during his sermons has been greatly needed by the church community. So I was disappointed to not see him during the times previously mentioned. Today for the first time, I came on line to see if you had changed your mind on having Rick on TV, because the information was so pointed as to the time we are in today in the US, as well as the church, and purhaps he had been edited out. I noticed you have changed the dates of his coming, but he will be on this month. I will be looking forward to watching the programs then. Thank you so much.
    I know it’s always a challenge in how much can be said on public TV, but I appreciate your courage, as the message is so important. The Church has to wake up to truth of where we are in history and the danger we are in for the truth of Christ to go out to the nation. It is indicative of this time when we, in the country where so MANY Christian missonaries have been sent to the nations elsewhere, is now having other nations send misionaries to the United States to present the gospel of Christ to our people. Amazing. God help us to come alive and have a HUGE revival all across this land!! Amen.

    As I and many of my christian friends are now going to a Messionic (Christian Jewish) Congregation in Charlotte, N.C., thank you for supporting Israel and the oneness of the Body of Christ in Jesus. We are indeed one family of God. It was wonderful to have Rabbi Johnathan Cann on you show for several days. I watched all of it, as I have the Harbringer book and the Is. 9:11 DVD all ready. God is SO amazing. I ordered the products and am looking forward to watching them and sharing the information with other “on fire” Christians. Thank you.

    May God richly bless you and keep you safe, healthy, and inspired by the Holy Spirit.
    Your Sister in Messiah Yeshua, Elizabeth Williams Charlotte, N. C.

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