Russian Volcano Erupts For First Time In Over Three Decades

Revelation 8:8 The second angel sounded his trumpet, and something like a huge mountain, all ablaze, was thrown into the sea.

Editor’s statement of correlation between volcanoes and earthquakes: An earthquake is the shifting of the different tectonic plates of the earth’s surface. These plates float on magma (molten lava). Earthquakes and volcanoes are the result of magma beneath the earth’s surface pushing upwards on the tectonic plates. Scriptures that refer to earthquakes are therefore also deemed applicable to volcanoes.

A Russian volcano dormant since 1975 has erupting and scientists are reporting that record amounts of lava are rushing from the mountain.

Over 1,200 metric tons of lava are rushing down the hillsides and ash clouds are rising nearly two miles into the sky. Lava has caused a forest fire and has destroyed two research bases on the mountain.

The heat from the volcano is so intense that a tourist lookout over 6 miles away is so warm people can wear summer clothes in the middle of the Russian winter.

Volcanologist Aleksey Ozerov told reporters that despite the action by the long-dormant volcano the mountain range is not showing more activity than previously recorded outbreaks.

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