Pope On Cover of Rolling Stone

The secular world’s love of Pope Francis continues to climb. On February 13th, the Pope will be the first pontiff to be featured on the cover of Rolling Stone magazine.

The article is titled “Pope Francis: The Times They Are A-Changin’” and covers the Pope from his ascension to the papacy to his controversial comments regarding homosexuality and economics.

“As the archbishop of Buenos Aires, [Jorge Mario] Bergoglio had never been an especially gifted public speaker,” writer Mark Binelli put in the piece. “But now that he’s Pope Francis, his recognizable humanity comes off as positively revolutionary.”

The Pope has been the toast of secular publications in the last year. He’s been named Time’s Person of the Year, Vanity Fair Italia’s “Man of the Year” and he’s even graced the cover of The New Yorker in December.

He’s also been named “Person of the Year” by gay rights publication The Advocate.

A Washington Post-ABC poll shows that 69% of Americans have a favorable impression of the Pope with only a 14% unfavorable rating.

One thought on “Pope On Cover of Rolling Stone

  1. This concerns me considering the Malachy prophecy has been rather accurate AND given the TIMING of this pope with regard to biblical prophecy. This could be the very last pope and he could be or become the future false prophet, an apostate to the faith. From what I’ve seen, he is a very humble and sincere and loving man. I am concerned however that he is receiving so much notoriaty; to my understanding, no pope has ever received as much “fanfair”. My concern is that this attention and love from the world might be IN LINE with bible prophecy concerning the false prophet who will usher in the antiChrist…to my understanding, the false prophet will be on the scene prior to the antiChrist and will be a trusted individual world wide. Due to the world’s trust of him, his introduction of the antiChrist will be more readily recieved by the world. I hope that Francis is the “real deal” as I would hate for him to lose his salvation…to fall from grace….to become that apostate. But if he’s not, and if he indeed becomes the false prophet, it will not be hard to believe considering the signs that seem to be so evident as of late. God protect us and protect the heart of this man.
    I have one more concern…he seems to be vague on biblical doctrine concerning homosexuality and salvation. The final pope is prophesied to lead the world into a false doctrine, away from true biblical doctrine. With salvation through Christ alone as THEE essential element of the Gospel, Pope Francis’ belief that God will judge the heart as man judges the heart; as though it were possible for God to see any man as “good” apart from His Son, Jesus Christ, is heresy and a denial of the cross. I am very concerned for the future of Pope Francis and for the salvation of those who take his false doctrine to heart. He, as we all will, will one day stand before His Maker to give account for all the souls who may have believed what he said about homosexuality or about just being a “good” person to get to heaven, and as a result did not receive Christ and perished. With power and with position come great responsibility. How tragic it will be for those who preach a different Gospel and for those who listen to their false doctrine of demons. God help us.

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