Pastor Tim Moore puts a spotlight on peer pressure in today’s culture “Bow Down or Else”

Revelation 2:5 Consider how far you have fallen! Repent and do the things you did at first. If you do not repent, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place.

Important Takeaways:

  • I recently had the opportunity to interact with a senior executive from a major US corporation. The man was a former military officer and has publicly testified to his faith.
  • My conversation focused on his recent corporate statement fully endorsing the LGBTQ+ agenda. In a statement celebrating what is ironically called “Pride Month,” this man offered glowing affirmation for “gender fluidity.” Dad to dad, I asked him if he actually believed in what he wrote and if it would apply to his own children.
  • His response was telling.
  • He said his personal beliefs are different, but that he must sound a different note in his corporate position. His gushing enthusiasm for the entire spectrum of LGBTQ+ ideology was simply “expected.”
  • None of us wants to stand out as the sore thumb in any group. Teenagers supposedly succumb to peer pressure the most, but in my experience, many adults also find it very difficult to stick out as different. They may talk big, but their hearts melt away and they act like cowardly lions.
  • The repercussions may not involve the threat of a fiery furnace, but many Christians have lost opportunities, jobs, income, friends and family, and even their lives for their determination to live out their Christian testimony. And in our own nation, the pressure to conform is growing greater by the day.
  • Pope Francis’ infamous wavering on Catholic doctrines. Plainly stated, the Catholic Church claims many doctrines that are antithetical to Scripture, but it has been clear in its support for life, marriage, and natural order defined in the Bible. With Francis equivocating on those foundational beliefs, Evangelical Christians will soon find themselves further isolated as we stand firm on the Word of God.
  • [Remember] Houston’s mayor already tried to pre-approve pastor’s sermons and other Western nations have tried to label the Bible as hate speech.
  • Does anyone really doubt that if America elected a far-Left President and majority in Congress that they would not seek to undermine religious liberty in the United States? They have already expressed their disgust for Christian “troublers” who are standing in the way of their progressive ideology.
  • Our culture often demands loyalty that is not earned. For instance, I can sing along with Lee Greenwood, “I’m proud to be an American!” But much of what our government tolerates and promotes is abhorrent to me as a Christian. I’ve said it before: whereas pop culture once revered “Truth, Justice, and the American Way,” I doubt a majority of Americans could even agree on those terms anymore. And our present national leaders seem determined to undermine all three according to the definitions that align with a biblical worldview.
  • Our Commander has given us certain orders and assured us of victory. He has commanded us to stand firm and hold until He comes. He alone is worthy of our loyalty—not because He demands it, but because He has earned it, because He is worthy, and because He is the King of kings and Lord of lords.

Read the original article by clicking here.