II Timothy 3:13 But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.
In what some observers are calling petty acts of revenge against Israel for Prime Minister Netanyahu’s planned speech to Congress, the Obama administration admitted they have been withholding information about negotiations with Iran from Israeli leaders.
Not only did the administration admit the withholding of information, they also attacked Israeli officials for what they called “cherry picking” of information for complaints about U.S. actions.
State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said “not everything you’re hearing from the Israeli government is an accurate depiction of the talks.” Critics say, however, that if Israel’s descriptions are not accurate, why the administration is hiding the details of the negotiations.
Meanwhile, the State Department lashed out at Israel by issuing a travel warning to Americans advising them against travel to that nation. The announcement puts Israel on the same level as Iran, Yemen and Nigeria in the eyes of the state department.
The report from the State Department even admits that while conditions in major cities are the same as metro areas around the world, they are still issuing a travel warning.