Nearly 50% of Americans under heat alerts as temperatures skyrocket

Central-USA-Heat-Temps-map Central U.S. forecast air temperatures for Monday. (FOX Weather)

Luke 21:11 There will be great earthquakes, and in various places famines and pestilences. And there will be terrors and great signs from heaven.

Important Takeaways:

  • It’s uncomfortably hot nearly everywhere this week.
  • The National Weather Service issued an Excessive Heat Watch for cities including Boston, Philadelphia, Washington, D.C. and New York, where feels-like temperatures could hit 110 through Tuesday.
  • Heat advisories are in place for the Northeast, Mid-Atlantic and Florida, where dew points will increase the moisture in the air, making it harder for your body to cool.
  • The central U.S. joins in on the sweaty situation with triple-digit feels-like temperatures forecast as the West continues to swelter in deadly conditions.
  • “Basically, anytime you see dew point temperatures in the 60s and 70s, it means it is sticky, muggy and humid. It almost feels like after you get done taking a hot shower and you step outside of the shower, right, you feel all of that moisture. That’s what it feels like when dew points are in the mid and upper 70s. And then we have what’s called a heat index or what it feels like to exposed skin,” FOX Weather Meteorologist Michael Estime said.

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