Mount Ibu erupts sending ash 2.5 miles into the sky forcing seven villages to evacuate

Lightning-over-volcano Lightning appears amid a storm as Mount Ibu spews volcanic material during an eruption, as seen from Gam Ici in West Halmahera. PHOTO: REUTERS

Luke 21:11 There will be great earthquakes, and in various places famines and pestilences. And there will be terrors and great signs from heaven.

Important Takeaways:

  • A volcano on the remote Indonesian island of Halmahera has spectacularly erupted, spewing a grey ash cloud into the sky, causing the evacuation of people from seven nearby villages, authorities said on May 19.
  • Mount Ibu erupted on the evening of May 18, sending ash 4km high, as streaks of purple lightning flashed around its crater, according to information and images shared by Indonesia’s volcanology agency.
  • The agency did not provide any information about how many people had been moved, but authorities have recommended that a 7km radius be cleared.
  • Ibu’s activities follow a series of eruptions of different volcanoes in Indonesia, which sits on the Pacific “Ring of Fire” and has 127 active volcanoes.
  • Flash floods and cold lava flow from Mount Marapi, one of the most active in West Sumatra province
  • In recent weeks, North Sulawesi’s Ruang volcano has also erupted, spewing incandescent lava.

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