Michael Snyder points out that there are six Gigantic Solar Storms about to hit earth


Luke 21:25 “And there will be signs in sun and moon and stars, and on the earth distress of nations in perplexity because of the roaring of the sea and the waves

Important Takeaways:

  • Red Alert! 6 Absolutely Gigantic Geomagnetic Storms Are About To Hit Earth, And Authorities Won’t Know Their True Power Until Friday Night
  • A series of enormous geomagnetic storms is about to start pummeling our planet, and some of the most important technologies that we depend on are potentially at risk. For the very first time in nearly 20 years, the NOAA has issued a severe geomagnetic storm watch.  We were initially warned that “at least five earth-directed coronal mass ejections” were headed our direction, but now it is at least six.  These coronal mass ejections originated from Sunspot AR3664, which has now become almost as large as the infamous Carrington sunspot of 1859.  It is being reported that Sunspot AR3664 is nearly 200,000 kilometers wide.  That is about 15 times wider than Earth.  Six gigantic coronal mass ejections that have been unleashed by this sunspot will hit our planet over the next few days, but authorities won’t know their true power until Friday night.
  • Until authorities know the true power of these storms, we won’t know how much danger we are facing.
  • Hopefully this will turn out to be a minor event

Read the original article by clicking here.