Luke 21:11 There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven.
A virus fatal to pigs is running rampant in the U.S. pig population is causing massive deaths and driving up the prices of pork to record levels.
The PEDv virus has wiped out the entire piglet populations of farms throughout the country. Agriculture officials in Oklahoma reported that one farm lost over 30,000 piglets from a PEDv outbreak.
Scientists say they have been unable to determine the origin of the outbreak.
The USDA reports that 7 million pigs nationwide have died from the virus. The outbreak began in Ohio according to the USDA and is now reported in at least 30 states. The nation’s hog herd has fallen to 63 million nationwide.
The virus is very virulent. One researcher said that one tablespoon of virus infected manure would be enough to infect the entire U.S. pig population.
Go vege. We eat way too much meat, try more greens, plant a pepper, or potato in your garden. Eat more legumes for protein, beans, and lentils. We will survive! Most the world, eats more veges and survive on rice.
Or, could it be all the environmental dust and poisons that are kicked up by HAARP?
You just cannot mess with mother nature and not expect eruptions. Could it be from Chemtrails polluting their feed or how about GMO products that the swine cannot digest? Or could it be fluoridated water, chlorine in their water, all three mixed together than have weakened their immune systems. It is also said in research that Ethanol causes allergies and weakens immune systems.
Just asking.