Kamala draws a line with Christians: saying ‘Jesus is Lord’ means “you’re at the wrong rally”


Romans 10:9 Because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

Important Takeaways:

Mario Murillo:

  • Kamala Harris just told Christians they should not vote for her.
  • Her exact words were, “You are in the wrong rally.” How does that equate to, “If you are Christian, you should not vote for me”? Here is the explanation. It happened at her Wisconsin rally.
  • While speaking, she declared the glory of abortion. The crowd, which had been subdued till then, began cheering wildly in favor of killing babies. When the cheers died down, a man in the crowd shouted, “Jesus is Lord!”
  • Harris taunted the man by saying, “You are in the wrong rally.”
  • The man had said nothing against abortion. The man wore nothing MAGA. The only thing Harris knew was that he was a Christian. The crowd cheered again, apparently thrilled to know that Christians are not welcome in their party.
  • But there is something more significant. As I said, the man wore nothing that showed he was a Trump supporter. This makes what she said even more blatant. She is telling us that Christians belong in the Trump campaign, but not in the Democratic campaign.
  • Her insult of Christians began the day before. Harris had offended Catholics by skipping the Al Smith dinner, the one dinner political candidates running for president must never miss.
  • This was not a harmless snub. It speaks to something much deeper. Rachel Murray is an advocate for diversity, equity and inclusion, (you know, “woke”). In her article “Silence is Complicity,” she said, “Not showing up means that even if you aren’t actively taking the side of an aggressor, you are implicitly doing that.”
  • Kamala’s insults are strategic. She is an aggressor against the body of Christ. Her tactics are straight out of the handbook “Rules for Radicals” by the late communist Saul Alinsky.
  • I think God in His mercy let her blurt this out. Now you know Christians aren’t welcome in her world. And therefore, Christians won’t be welcome in her plans for America. I believe God did it for the Christians who are on the fence. Or—God forbid—are going to vote for her.

Read the original article by clicking here.