Islamic Leader Says Muhammad Drawings Will Lead To World War III

Matthew 24:7 For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places.

An Islamic leader is calling on western countries to limit freedom of speech because unless they stop people from drawing pictures of Muhammad, they will be inciting World War III.

Sirajul Haq, the leader of the Islamic extremist Jamaat-e-Islami Party in Pakistan, told a crowd during a protest celebrating the attack on French newspaper Charlie Hebdo that the United Nations and western leaders need to make sure religious personalities are not mocked.

“The path that the West has chosen will take the world to a third world war,” Haq told the crowd.

Haq also demanded that France issue a formal apology for allowing Charlie Hebdo to exist and for offending “billions of Muslims across the world.”

Jamaat-e-Islami is calling for a worldwide boycott of French products by Muslims as a way to show their anger toward France for allowing anyone to mock Muhammad.  The group also is part of a circle of Muslim extremist groups that have offered a $1.6 million bounty for the heads of Charlie Hebdo cartoonists.

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