If a big San Andreas earthquake occurs drinking water could become a huge issue


Luke 21:11 There will be great earthquakes, and in various places famines and pestilences. And there will be terrors and great signs from heaven.

Important Takeaways:

  • Seismologist Lucy Jones told Eyewitness News “Water’s potentially our worst problem and every one of the aqueducts that bring water into the Southern California area across the San Andreas Fault, will be broken when that earthquake happens,” Jones said.
  • Comprehensive solutions to fully strengthen the piping network crossing the San Andreas would help, but for now, she warns we’re looking at a crippling repair timeline that would likely become life-altering for millions of people.
  • “We won’t have any external water for a minimum of six months,” Jones said.
  • Consider that impact – widespread fires after the quake with no water to fight them, businesses unable to operate. Clean water to drink and bathing would also be an issue.
  • If the big quake happened tomorrow, she said FEMA has plans to mitigate the impact. But to what extent?
  • The last major quake on the San Andreas was more than 165 years ago.
  • The questions are: When will it hit? And will we be ready?
  • Jones offers this advice:
  • “Have water,” she said. “However much water you’ve stored, store some more.”

Read the original article by clicking here.