Heat dome looms over Southern California

Disney-Hall-in-Downtown-Los-Angeles People brave the hot weather at Disney Hall in Downtown Los Angeles Monday as warmer weather is expected later this week. ((Wally Skalij/Los Angeles Times))

Important Takeaways:

  • Driven by weak offshore winds and a heat dome over the southwestern United States, temperatures are forecast to rise over the course of the week before peaking Thursday and Friday. Portions of the Los Angeles Basin could reach 113 degrees by the weekend while the mercury could climb to 119 in the Coachella Valley
  • “This week will probably be hottest in L.A. city proper than it has been all summer,” Swain said.
  • Temperatures will ebb slightly over the weekend, but it is not clear when the heat wave will subside.
  • However uncomfortable, the heat this week is not expected to break records. The record for the first week of September was set in 2020, when temperatures reached 121 in Woodland Hills.

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