France Uncovers “Biggest Bomb Plot In Years”

Revelation 6:3-4 NCV When the Lamb opened the second seal, I heard the second living creature say, "Come!" Then another horse came out, a red one. Its rider was given power to take away peace (prosperity, rest) from the earth and to make people kill each other (butcher, slaughter, to maim violently, in streets), and he was given a big sword (assassins sword, terrorist, loud, mighty, sore afraid).

French police arrested 12 people in weekend raids resulting in the discovery of one of the biggest bomb plots in the nation in almost 20 years.

Prosecutors on Friday announced that one suspect was killed after firing on police officers. Five of those detained have been released but seven remain in custody including two that Paris prosecutor Francois Molins said had connections to an international Islamic Jihadist network.

“[The cell is] probably the most dangerous since the GIA,” Molins said. The GIA was an Islamic terror group that carried out bombings in 1995-96.

Police found potassium nitrate, sulphur, five metres of cable, alarm clocks, headlamp bulbs and a pressure cooker (which could be used as a bomb casing.)

The raids were in response to a grenade attack September 19th on a Jewish grocery where one person was hurt. The man alleged to be behind the attack was shot and killed by French police. Jeremie Louis-Sidney was a recent convert to Islam and an ex-convict who served time for drug trafficking.

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