Christian Movie Gets R-Rating

Mark 13:13 “You will be hated by all because of My name, but the one who endures to the end, he will be saved.”

The Motion Picture Association of America gave an R rating to a Christian movie and the church behind the movie believes it’s because of the film’s strong Christian message.

The MPAA told the Retta Baptist Church of Burleson, Texas the R rating was because of violence and drug use shown in the film “My Son.”

Pastor Chuck Kitchens said the movie does have a hostage standoff at a church along with some drug usage but there is no foul language, sex scenes or nudity. He said the violence was not gory or senseless.

The MPAA gave the graphic zombie apocalypse movie “World War Z” and the movie “Jobs” about Apple founder Steve Jobs PG-13 ratings despite violence and LSD & marijuana use in the Jobs film.

The MPAA refused to comment on why they gave the rating per their usual policy. The church has asked the MPAA what needs to be removed to get a PG-13 rating but the MPAA has not given them a concrete answer.

“We want a level playing field,” Kitchens told FoxNews. “You’ve got other religious groups and other belief systems that are being portrayed in films all the time without the same kind of criticism and scrutiny.”

7 thoughts on “Christian Movie Gets R-Rating

  1. I almost think I would keep the ‘R’ rating. It seems to me that R rated movies attract more viewers than not. Even Church goers will go to them and leave the PG13 movies alone. I am always shocked at how many “Christians” I have heard talk about movies they go to that I wouldn’t set foot in the theater or watch the trailers on TV.

  2. I believe the church had a goal when producing this movie, and this is only my opinion. There are plenty of Christian films out there that appeal to a Christian audience. There are very few with a solid, biblical message that will appeal to the the typical unchurched person. This is the audience that is (hopefully) going to buy a ticket. We all need to support this endeavor. Go see it, and spread the word.

  3. We know were under criticism and scruntiny,but we forget God is always in control.Could
    it be his plan to draw the unsaved to this movie with an R rating that they would never come and see otherwise

  4. The Bible is R-rated with sex and violence. In these last days violence will increase exponentially; at Megiddo blood will rise to the horses bridles; there will be death and mayhem everywhere. If the MPAA is not able to realize the value of a Christian message in a movie now, what will they do when people are begging rocks to fall on them and hide them from the wrath to come, and from the Lamb?
    On the brighter side, you can’t buy publicity like this and the movie will get MORE viewers because of the rating. Perhaps these will be the ones who really need to see it. Praise God!

  5. Leave it an R rating. The majority of movie goers don’t care what the rating is, except Christians and if you are “fishing” for the lost then use the right bait.

  6. Mark 13:13 sums it up. As the world gets darker, our light will shine brighter and the darkness of this world will not like it. We cannot expect to be treated fairly. It won’t happen. But we know how the story ends. We win, and we will bring many with us. Actually, there might be quite a number of unbelievers who will see the movie because of the R rating. Think about that.

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