California Senate passes bill that bans requiring schools from notifying parents of their children’s pronoun change

California Legislature Gender Identity The California Legislative LGBTQ Caucus announces legislation at a press conference on Wednesday, May 22, 2024, to ban school districts from forcing schools to notify parents if their child requests to change their gender identification in Sacramento, Calif. The California Senate has approved a bill, Thursday, June 13, that would ban school districts from forcing teachers to notify parents if their child asks to go by a new pronoun at school. (AP Photo/Sophie Austin)

Romans 1:24 Therefore God gave them up in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, to the dishonoring of their bodies among themselves,
Romans 1:28 And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave them up to a debased mind to do what ought not to be done.

Important Takeaways:

  • The California Senate has approved a bill that would ban school districts from requiring teachers to notify parents if their child asks to go by a new pronoun at school
  • Lawmakers approved the legislation along party lines after more than an hour of an emotional debate in which Democratic LGBTQ+ senators recounted stories about how they delayed coming out to their parents or were outed by someone else. They argued gender-noncomforming students should be able to come out to their families on their own terms. But Republican lawmakers said the state shouldn’t dictate whether school districts can enforce so-called parental notification policies and that schools have an obligation to be transparent with parents.
  • It is part of a nationwide debate over local school districts and the rights of parents and LGBTQ+ students. States across the country have sought to impose bans on gender-affirming care, bar trans athletes from girls and women’s sports, and require schools to “out” trans and nonbinary students to their parents. Some lawmakers in other states have introduced bills in their legislatures with broad language requiring that parents be notified of any changes to their child’s emotional health or well-being.

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