Accused Planned Parenthood Shooter: ‘I’m Guilty’

Matthew 19:18 ESV “And Jesus said, “You shall not murder…”

The man accused of killing three people and wounding nine more during a shooting at a Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado Springs last month reportedly confessed his guilt in a courtroom outburst on Wednesday afternoon, calling himself “a warrior for the babies.”

The Colorado Springs Gazette reported Robert Lewis Dear interrupted his attorney to make the comments early in the hearing. It was one of multiple outbursts he’s said to have made.

“I’m guilty. There’s no trial. I’m a warrior for the babies,” the newspaper quoted Dear as saying.

The comments appear to reference the fact that Planned Parenthood is an abortion provider, though the organization does provide several other health services to women. NBC News had previously reported Dear made the statement “no more baby parts” to police investigators.

Dear was in court to be formally charged for the Nov. 27 shooting. He’s accused of killing a police officer who responded to the scene and two people who accompanied friends to the clinic.

According to CBS Denver, prosecutors said in court that they will levy 179 charges against Dear.

The Gazette reported Dear’s attorney, a public defender, wants his client to undergo a mental health evaluation to determine if Dear is competent to stand trial.

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