16 Dead in Malaysian Earthquake

Luke 21:11 There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven.

The death toll has climbed to 16 from a Friday earthquake in Malaysia.

The 5.9-magnitude quake struck around Mount Kinabalu in Sabah state.  The quake rained boulders and rocks down around the mountain and blocked hiking trails, trapping climbers on the country’s highest peak.

One survivor told the Associated Press that rescue efforts were scarce and that they “waited for a helicopter that never came.”

One group of 21 climbers on the mountain trekked down the mountain after promised helicopter rescue didn’t arrive for them either.

“There were risks of us dying up there of cold overnight,” said 23-year-old Sabah native Amanda Peter. “The guide said we either die of waiting or we die trying. So we all chose to try walking down ourselves.”

Peter noted her group saw two dead hikers laying on rocks as they made their descent.

“It really affected me as it could have been me. I was lucky to be given a chance to live,” she said.

Among the dead were six children from Singapore on a school trip.  Their teacher and guide also perished.

Local officials admitted it was “easy to pick on weaknesses” of the rescue operation and that they would be examining shortcomings after the current incident has passed.

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