Steve Strang Bio
Steve Strang is the publisher and founder of Charisma magazine. Charisma, recently celebrated it’s 40th anniversary and has been a trusted source of news, teaching and inspiration to help spread the gospel of Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit. Strang is the author of the book God and Donald Trump.
This husband and father is an award-winning journalist, entrepreneur, businessman and author. Steve is also founder and president of Charisma Media, which in addition to Charisma, publishes Ministry Today, the Spanish magazine Vida Cristiana, New Man, Spiritled Woman and Christian Retailing. His Orlando, Fla.,-based company also includes Charisma House, Siloam, Creation House, Casa Creación, Realms, and FrontLine, plus many other innovative products that have earned a reputation as the world’s leading charismatic publisher.
Steve Strang Short Bio
Steve Strang is an award-winning journalist, entrepreneur, businessman and author who understands that the Word of God is the key toward a deeper relationship with Him. Founder and President of Charisma Media, which in addition to Charisma, publishes Ministry Today, the Spanish magazine Vida Cristiana and Christian Retailing. Steve’s mission is to empower people through Spirit inspired resources. Steve Strang wants us to be passionate about God! His insights are powerful and his guidance actively sought. He is also the author of the book God and Donald Trump.