Who Ya Gonna Call (Pt. 12)

Mary burst out laughing.  “Dear me, I haven’t even taken an aspirin in ages!  But, yes, I will be glad to give you what I have.  You come.  Even after this crisis is over, come and be a part of our fellowship.  You’ll see what I mean.  We’re not closing up.  These are exciting days, and you are more than welcome to join us.”

“So what’s the catch?” Stan’s cynical side still remained unsatisfied.  “After you get me in the church, you bilk me out of all my money, is that it?”

“My, my!  God doesn’t need your money, Stan.  Do you think these calamities have taken the Lord by surprise?  Don’t be silly!  Jesus told His disciples to watch for all these sign of the times, to get ready, and that is exactly what we have done.  We’re not discouraged.  We are excited because we know that Jesus is coming back for us soon!”

“Like those Hale-Bopp people?”

“You are a cynic, aren’t you?” Mary said with a smile.

“It’s difficult not to be skeptical after being exposed to all the newscasts nowadays.”

“Yes, I understand. Yet despite all the bad news, there’s good news too.  Jesus said that when you see all these things happening, look up because our redemption is near.  He told us that we should take a cue from these signs and get ready.  So that’s what we are doing.  The church is getting ready for the hard times that the Bible says will precede the Lord’s coming.  That’s what we’ve been prepared for these days for some time now, so we can help each other and help good folks like you.”

“Are you sure we won’t be an imposition?” asked Christine.

“Why, heavens no!” Mary replied.  “That’s what the church is all about.  You are welcome here.”

“But with so many people hurting, aren’t you afraid that your supplies will run out?” Stan asked.

“No, God keeps blessing our people.  We learned a long time ago that we can’t out-give God.  The more we give to Him, the more He gives back to us in so many ways.”

“Well, we might be here for a little while,” Stan said sheepishly.  “We ran out of gas in front of the church.”

“You are welcome to stay here as long as you like,” Mary said, as she tucked her arm around Christine’s waist.  “And don’t worry about the gas.  I’m sure one of the men here at the church can get you some in the morning.  Right now, it’s getting late, and that baby needs some sleep, and you probably do, too.  Let’s find some cots and a place where you can rest.”

“I am pretty bushed,” Stan said.  “But Mary, tell me one more thing.  Why are you being so kind to us?  You don’t owe us anything.  We are total strangers to you.”

“Not anymore,” Mary replied with a smile.  “Besides, what we give to you, we give in the name of the Lord Jesus as an expression of His love for you.  He’s filled our lives with love, peace, and joy, so we just want to allow some of that to overflow to you.  Then as you receive His love, you can pass it on to others.  Like I said, that’s what the church is all about.”

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