What’s a Girl Like You…

Early 90’s….

A lady in our church owned the shoeshine company at the Phoenix airport.  She often hired church members, especially women.  It was a smart business idea because it was unusual; I haven’t seen that anywhere else.  I worked as a team with another lady.

I never minded hard work.  I was a waitress for years, and that’s hard work too.  But some days I would be embarrassed about shining shoes and would hope I wouldn’t see anyone at the airport who I recognized.  Other days it didn’t bother me at all.  One thing about it – I always had the opportunity to share my faith because the first question out of a customer’s mouth would invariably be, ‘What’s a girl like you doing shining shoes?”

I would always say that it gave me the opportunity to earn some money so I could do the work of the ministry.  Some of them didn’t even know what I meant by that.  So I’d tell them I had started an organization to help women, and they would usually ask me what kind of help.  I didn’t offer too much information up front; that way they would keep asking questions, and it didn’t sound like I was preaching.

When they asked me what kind of ministry I had, I would say that I worked with women who had been through abortion, to help them deal with the scars it had caused.

During a five-minute shoe shine, I could give a complete testimony.

Shining shoes part-time represents a very un-glamorous job, but for me, it provided a way to be in full-time ministry and to witness at the same time.  When Jesus bent down to wash the disciples feet, his actions represented one who was a servant to others.  It was a menial job, but he taught important lessons through humility.  Unless we are willing to be a servant first, we will never be a leader.

My life today is a long ways away from the Phoenix airport.  I no longer shine shoes, but I give my testimony to a world-wide audience via television.  I often think of those days, however, and I can’t help but smile.  I wonder if I would be where I am today if I hadn’t been willing to be that shoe-shine girl at the Phoenix airport.

We are beginning a new school year this week at Morningside’s Master’s Media.  We will be teaching the students how to run camera, direct, edit and produce television shows.

But first, we will teach them how to serve.


Lori Signature

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