What we are seeing happen right before our eyes is an increase in the frequency and intensity of storms – and other Revelation events mentioned in Matthew 24, Luke 21 and so many other prophetic scriptures. All of these things point to the soon coming of Jesus! Many people are asking, “What do these terrible storms mean? Are they the judgment of God, or a fluke of nature?”
When something of a catastrophe like Sandy happens, you hear so many Christians resisting the idea that God had anything at all to do with it. They say, “oh, God wouldn’t do that!” Yet the Bible says that God commands the wind and the waves.
In Isaiah 51:15, He says, “I am the Lord your God, who stirs the sea and makes the waves roar. My name is the Lord All-Powerful.”
Sometimes it’s better to just let the scriptures speak. As you read these scriptures, pray for spiritual eyes and ears to understand that God indeed commands the wind and the waves, and that all of nature has to obey Him. Remember that these things are prophetic signs that Jesus is coming soon! The Bible says not to fear these times, but be ready!
Luke 21:25-28
25 “There will be signs in the sun, moon, and stars. On earth, nations will be afraid and confused because of the roar and fury of the sea. 26 People will be so afraid they will faint, wondering what is happening to the world, because the powers of the heavens will be shaken. 27 Then people will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. 28 When these things begin to happen, look up and hold your heads high, because the time when God will free you is near!” NCV
Luke 21:25-28 – Same verse in KJV
25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring;
26 Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.
27 And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.
28 And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh. KJV
God controls the storms!
Ps 107:24-29
24 They saw what the Lord could do,
the miracles he did in the deep oceans.
25 He spoke, and a storm came up,
which blew up high waves.
26 The ships were tossed as high as the sky and fell low to the depths.
The storm was so bad that they lost their courage.
27 They stumbled and fell like people who were drunk.
They did not know what to do.
28 In their misery they cried out to the Lord,
and he saved them from their troubles.
29 He stilled the storm
and calmed the waves. NCV
Isa 51:15-16
15 I am the Lord your God,
who stirs the sea and makes the waves roar.
My name is the Lord All-Powerful.
16 I will give you the words I want you to say.
I will cover you with my hands and protect you.
I made the heavens and the earth,
and I say to Jerusalem, ‘You are my people.” NCV
Jer 31:33
35 The Lord makes the sun shine in the day
and the moon and stars to shine at night.
He stirs up the sea so that its waves crash on the shore.
The Lord All-Powerful is his name.NCV
Matt 8:23-27
23 Jesus got into a boat, and his followers went with him. 24 A great storm arose on the lake so that waves covered the boat, but Jesus was sleeping. 25 His followers went to him and woke him, saying, “Lord, save us! We will drown!”
26 Jesus answered, “Why are you afraid? You don’t have enough faith.” Then Jesus got up and gave a command to the wind and the waves, and it became completely calm.
27 The men were amazed and said, “What kind of man is this? Even the wind and the waves obey him!” NCV
Mark 4:35-41
35 That evening, Jesus said to his followers, “Let’s go across the lake.” 36 Leaving the crowd behind, they took him in the boat just as he was. There were also other boats with them. 37 A very strong wind came up on the lake. The waves came over the sides and into the boat so that it was already full of water. 38 Jesus was at the back of the boat, sleeping with his head on a cushion. His followers woke him and said, “Teacher, don’t you care that we are drowning!”
39 Jesus stood up and commanded the wind and said to the waves, “Quiet! Be still!” Then the wind stopped, and it became completely calm.
40 Jesus said to his followers, “Why are you afraid? Do you still have no faith?”
41 The followers were very afraid and asked each other, “Who is this? Even the wind and the waves obey him!” NCV
Luke 21:25-28
25 “There will be signs in the sun, moon, and stars. On earth, nations will be afraid and confused because of the roar and fury of the sea. 26 People will be so afraid they will faint, wondering what is happening to the world, because the powers of the heavens will be shaken. 27 Then people will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. 28 When these things begin to happen, look up and hold your heads high, because the time when God will free you is near!” NCV_
Don’t Fear
Matthew 24:25-35
25 “There will be signs in the sun, moon, and stars. On earth, nations will be afraid and confused because of the roar and fury of the sea. 26 People will be so afraid they will faint, wondering what is happening to the world, because the powers of the heavens will be shaken. 27 Then people will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. 28 When these things begin to happen, look up and hold your heads high, because the time when God will free you is near!”
Jesus’ Words Will Live Forever
29 Then Jesus told this story: “Look at the fig tree and all the other trees. 30 When their leaves appear, you know that summer is near. 31 In the same way, when you see these things happening, you will know that God’s kingdom is near.
32 “I tell you the truth, all these things will happen while the people of this time are still living. 33 Earth and sky will be destroyed, but the words I have spoken will never be destroyed.
Be Ready All the Time
34 “Be careful not to spend your time feasting, drinking, or worrying about worldly things. If you do, that day might come on you suddenly, 35 like a trap on all people on earth. 36 So be ready all the time. Pray that you will be strong enough to escape all these things that will happen and that you will be able to stand before the Son of Man.” NCV
Great post. I was checking continuously this blog and I am impressed!
I care for such info much.
Very helpful info particularly the last part
I was seeking this particular info for a very long time.
Thank you and best of luck.
i tried to send this to just Jim but it said ‘failure’
John Paul Jackson [a prophet]had a dream that there would be an economic collapse during the Obama administration. since he was just re-elected i thing it will be 9/15 during the ‘shemita’ talked about in the Harbinger. check it out. i tried to send this message several times to Jim Bakker but it kept saying ‘wrong code’ even though i entered exactly as i saw it. Deb Emenhiser
I knew a Christian man who in 1999 passed away.Shortly before he passed he said four words that had great prophetic implications. He was a simple man with little money who was retired from many years of employment to the same restaraunt as a short order cook.I might add he was known to be the best and finest shortorder cook Raleigh, NC had ever known.Many important people came to him not only because of his lovingly prepared food but also for his simple advice when things became complex for them. He had uncanny and uncommon, common sense. He was also a Korean War veteran. He loved and was faithful to God, his wife ,his family and anyone who happened into his sphere of influence.His passing concludes the era of Andy and Barney of the Andy Griffith Show.He helped the elderly,the sickly and the poor, actually anyone who had need that came his way.He was never famous, never preached but always gave good common sense advice that someone could bank on.He was a fixture that the folks here anchored down on.My wife and I attended to him while he was in the rest home 24 hours until the day he died.Shortly beforehe passed he seemed to be asleep and my wife and I just walked into the room. There was no way that he could have been aware of our presence.Suddenly and with urgency he proclaimed “A storm is coming”. I asked him to repeat what he said.Then as if he was in another realm of existence and actually seeing something he repeated with the same urgency “A storm is coming”.My heart grew heavy and my understanding was quickened as I realized the spiritual implications of what he said.He had great foresight but he never uttered anything with prophetic implications.Not long after this he want to his eternal home.His children have remained rebellious and disobedient to this day.His wife passed a few short years later with great concern over her wayward children. She died heartbroken but she was a very strong Christian with unshakeable faith. Today we are now witnessing this man’s prophetic proclaimations.A storm has begun.I am this man’s stepchild and he was my mother’s husband I memorialize them here and now as it is the appropriate time and place. I miss and love them so much, only God knows and understands my faithfulness to them and to Him.Thank you Jim and God bless you and yours. I defended Rabbi Cahn in Jim Denison ‘s. October critique on the Harbinger in his forum.
Humbly and with Love.
Dear Jim; Just want to say thank you for all you do and speaking about end times. You are doing a good job and you are right to say all what you do, The Lord is with you. Looking forward to watching the Rabi again on your show, he is auch a good man of God!! Loved Pat & Shirley Boone also & all your guests, Good Job!!! Keep up your good work and do not be discouraged! You and Lori are loved. Take care and God Bless you both. Love, Lori and family,
Romans 8:22
Because of Jesus,
I was listening to the news when the governor of New Jersey said, we will rebuild, stronger and better. I literally came out of my seat and said, he said it, he said it, the Harbinger. I believe Jesus is coming soon. We will be aware of the times but not know the hour. I was thinking about all the people who believe the world will end on Dec 21, 2012. The storms are coming, I don’t believe the world will end on that day as some do. I am concerned about that when the storms do come the people who are following the Mayan Calendar will go into a panic thinking this is it. I read in scripture about world without end. It is my opinion that it is the end of the age. Not the end of the world. As christians we need to be rooted and grounded in God’s infallible Word. I love the scripture earth and sky will be destroyed, but the words I have spoken will never be destroyed. Since his Word endures forever and ever and ever, it should be our greastest treasure. If Christians only knew the power of the Word of God, and the power of a Christian when he prays in faith believing what a latter rain would fall
Thank you so much for the special program on Oct. 31st on Hurricane Sandy. My daughter and I were talking about how we wanted a live feed, that 2 weeks is too long before we hear from you on this incident.
Your input is very much sought after in times of disaster such as this. Thank you once again.