One of the last times my father walked without assistance was when he walked me down the aisle. He had developed diabetes because of his weight problem, and was now suffering complications from the disease. Although he was in a lot of pain, Dad was determined to give me away. “Little Girl, this is the proudest moment of my life,” he told me.
In November 1999 Jim and I spent a week with Dad and Lita in Phoenix. Jim had quizzed the doctor when we took my dad for an appointment that week. The doctor had said that because of the complications from diabetes, they would likely have to amputate one of Dad’s legs within a year. “But he’s a strong man,” the doctor said, “and he could live another five years, especially if he would take care of himself.”
On Monday afternoon Jim and I left Phoenix. We were getting in the car to drive to the airport when I turned around and went back in the house to hug Dad again. He held me to his chest and said, “Little Girl, don’t ever forget. Your daddy loves you.” Those were his last words to me.
The next morning Jim and Tammy Sue sat me down and broke the news that my dad had just passed away. Sue knelt down beside me and tenderly held my hand while Jim stood behind me and put his arms around me. They surrounded me with love in that difficult moment.
Peace filled my heart, and I felt that God was saying to me, your dad’s with me here now, and he is happy.
I had needed to know that my dad was in heaven. God knew dad’s heart. And I believe my dad had finally come to understand the gift of God’s grace.
But he left this world many years before he needed to – because he could not control his eating. He literally ate himself to death. His refusal to take better care of himself deprived him and our entire family of many years together.
The wisdom of healthy living is beyond measurable.
Take care of yourself and do what you can to live out your appointed years. Your family needs you and it is not God’s plan for you to waste the years He has appointed unto you.
Dear Ms Lori,
When I was 10 years old my Dad commit suicide he just was not the same coming back from Vietnam, them my Mom remarried and my Dad now who adopted me over 37 years ago is like your Dad since my grandparents passed away 6 years ago my parents have started to eat themselves to death they are so over weight and diabetic something they were never ever before. I was always the over weight person…I had gastric by pass surgery but I wish that I would have known something from your program and done it the correct way for now I have a few health problems that I believe are from surgery and if it was not for your program I would not know as much as I should and I THANK GOD for your program daily.
When I try to explain to my parents how to eat healthy well they just do not want to hear it and it falls on deaf ears and it breaks my heart so I do not try to explain anymore BUT I do pray for them daily even several times a day and that goes for all of my family too since we all are not on the same page when it comes to GOD and spiritual beliefs.
Please keep your program and the prophets coming right now knowledge is key during these last day we live in to be ready for anything that may come our way!
Thank you and May GOD BLESS you and your family to come
Lori saw the morning side to day…gosh you guys are going RIGHT DOWN MY ALLY I agree with you all the way…and yes a simple life is so Godly.
I have Kevin on fb…love to hear him sing!…I just love the show! thank you for being there sometimes I feel like you are my family
Love you girl
Jean Hale
Please pray for myself and my husband for this very problem. Thank you.
I just want to share – you may have noticed it – on the picture of Lori’s house under construction. It says (this is probably not an exact quote) Give to Lori’s house to support babies under construction. Yes – babies are certainly under construction. I just love it. I know you meant Lori’s house is under construction, but I love how it came out.
Lori, I know how you feel! Lost my Dad, last year! The doctors told him for years to stop smoking, but he just couldn’t!
Lori, I’m about as big as your dad is, I weigh 485lbs. And have many medical problem’s, I cannot wait till God calls me home, I’ve been ready for many years, I wanted surgery but my insurance co. Refuses to pay for it, we love watching the Jim Bakker show we also bought emergency food, the fire buckets and are waiting for the fueless generator. God bless you.
Dear Donald,
Please don’t give up. As long as we have breath, there’s something God has for us to do, right here, right now. It’s such a privilege to be living in these Last Days just before Jesus comes! He chose you for this special time! I will send your note to our prayer center and they will be in prayer for you. Donald, Please take some small steps toward health and see if God doesn’t meet you there – and walk with you the rest of the way.
this post brought tears to my eyes. I thought of my earthly dad and how I had what I thought was a nightmare. Waking at 3:02 a.m. in a cold sweat. I had a dream where I was in a long dark tunnel and a voice from above me, called me by name and said your Daddy is dead. This voice was so full of love and compassion. God knew I loved my Dad. The next morning the phone rang at 9:30a.m. My mom said honey your Dad died last night in a fire. The coroner said it happened around 3a.m. My dad used to read me Bible stories as a child. How I loved those Bible stories. He went to a pentecostal church in W.Vir. I was there when he was baptized in water. Sadly my dad got away from the Lord and did some prison time. I don’t think my dad had time to pray and turn back to God. I was so full of pain, because I loved him so. But I remember lifting my hands to heaven and giving it to God. I hang on to the good memories. The great joy in my life is I have a heavenly Father who will never leave me. And I will see him one day. He wipe all the tears away and the former things will be remembered no more. Blessings on you and yours
Watched the show today(4-13-12)and can relate to what you were saying about “Lori’s House”! We tried with another couple to start and run a home for unwed teens expecting babies-two different homes-they both failed.