Now Is the Time (Pt. 2)

Several times in the last couple of months, I have given away watches to the entire studio audience here on Grace Street and included them with other love offers.  Along with the watch comes a message from Lord.  I tell the people, every time you see this watch, think “NOW is my time!”

Many of the Lord’s people have been oppressed, depressed, and repressed.  There is one commonality in all those words – it’s the PRESS.  Many of us feel as though we have been in a press lately, and some feel as though their entire life has been a press of one form or another.  Take heart!  Your best days are just ahead.

Now is your time!

There has been so much said and written regarding “now is the time” and other phrasing that sounds like a cliché.  Telling someone to “take heart” can sound trite when you have been in the press for so long that you may be beyond weary.  Today is the day that your hope arises again and your heart begins to believe that what God has said to you about your life, your calling and your anointing is TRUE and without repentance (He didn’t rescind or withdraw what He said no matter what form your press has taken.)

How do I know that your best days are just ahead?  Because we, as the Church, are coming into our finest hour.  Jesus said “I will build My Church and the gates of hell will not prevail against It.”  We are “It” – YOU and ME – the Church!  Now if you believe the Word and what Jesus said about His Church, you must know that His expressed desire is to build you and He promises that all of hell will not prevail against you.

The presses of life have only served to extract the oil of anointing from the fruit of the Spirit that has been growing and maturing inside of those who are His.  The presses have all been used for your good!

When Bob Hartley came to Morningside recently to be on the show, he also ministered to our partners at our partner luncheon.  Bob is a minister of hope.  In fact, his ministry is called “deeper waters hope center” and the word ‘hope’ is throughout his books, articles and teachings.

Bob asked the Lord what He had for Morningside and the people here and He said “Tell the people you can make it!”.  He said “It’s a NOW time for Morningside”.  And so it is for everyone in the Church!

Building the church is not about religious programs. It’s about Jesus building the individual members of His body up into a temple made of living stones that are being transformed into His image (1 Pet. 2:4-5).

Believe in the hope of your calling. Dust off the promises He has given you.


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