I have shared on the show how I am dealing with the fallout of some wild and crazy years when I was younger. This situation I now face with my health is requiring treatment that makes me physically ill – but will, in the long run, rid my body of this condition that is trespassing on God’s temple!
If you have watched our show, you know that Jim and I are not “religious” about the things of God, and we don’t put God in a box based on a certain way of thinking. That’s why we’re okay with however God chooses to deal with this affliction. God could heal me in a split second, but if He chooses the medicinal route, who am I to question His wisdom? He knows best in all things, and I trust Him with every aspect of my life, both now and forever.
I have always loved and trusted God, even in the crazy years. I know that sounds weird, but it’s true. God never left me, though I left Him for a season. He never stopped wooing me back, and He never stopped showing me that the path I was on was not what He intended for me. The prayers of my Mother and others came before the Lord constantly.
When I finally did come back to Him on Easter Sunday, 1989, it was as if I had never left. I was the prodigal daughter, and He welcomed me back with open arms and rejoicing! I was home again, safe in the arms of Jesus.
Getting my life back on track was a process that I worked through beginning with 10 years in the Master’s Commission in Phoenix. That’s how I met my wonderful children, though I didn’t know at the time that they would become my own to love and raise in the ways of the Lord. But God did!
I didn’t know it at the time, but the forces of evil were already busy trying to kill me with disease.
The devil was not happy that he had lost the battle for my life, and I remember him leveling a threat at me that I didn’t fully understand at the time, but do more so today. He said, “maybe I can’t stop you spiritually, but I can physically!” That’s why the attack on my health, my physical body.
But I have news for this devil. My God has already won that battle! He has bought me with a price – His own precious blood and that blood now covers me – including my healing! By His stripes I am healed!
As long as I have breath, I will testify of the power, glory and honor of God! And when this life is over, I will go out with joy in my heart and praise on my lips. But I won’t go one second sooner than was planned by GOD – and you won’t either!
I really do appreciate your prayers during this time. Jim says it was the prayers of the saints that got him through the prison years, and I know it’s prayers that keep us in ministry and enable us to broadcast around the world.
I also know that it’s your prayers that will get me through this, too.
Post your prayer requests and we’ll believe together for healing. God said where two agree in His name, it shall be done!
“Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven.” Matthew 18:19 NIV
I just want to tell you what a blessing both you and Pastor Jim have been to me this past year. I lost my mother April 6, 2013 to esophageal cancer and now my spouse is battling liver cancer. We both love you both and you are both a constant source of inspiration to us.
We keep both you and Pastor Jim in our prayers for your continued health, safety and perseverance. We love your show and watch often online. We just want you to know we love you.
Melissa And Doug
Hi Lori,
I am lifting you up in prayer for a full healing!!
I have stage three lung cancer, Diabetes, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and Sleep Apnea. I have remained positive and upbeat throughout. It is faith in God that keeps me going. I could not face this on my own. I have learned to let go and let God deal with my problems in his timing. I enjoy watching you and Jim daily and have nothing but admiration for thwwork that you do. I’ll be praying for you all.
I have been healed of two different terminal diseases completely restored, one disease ravaged all my body every system it went on for 12 years going from hospital to hospital I also was completely bed ridden could not move at all but now jog three miles a day, nothing is too hard for God, also had a very advance form of cancer and giving two weeks to live, but within three months of that news I was healed no remission but totally healed. God can heal God does heal its you you have to believe it so he can! Romans 3:4 the final report is???? Healing!
Dear Lori, Beloved Daughter of the Most High God. You rest in the center of His Palm as he watches you with tenderly with care.
He will set you down when you are strong enough to walk, and walk you shall – With strength, energy and wholeness! Yet, you will never be out of His sight, for He has much for you to do, and much to do through you.
Know you are loved, and in my prayers!
Dear Lori, Beloved Daughter of the Most High God. You rest in the center of His Palm as he watches you with tenderly with care.
He will set you down when you are strong enough to walk, and walk you shall – With strength, energy and wholeness! Yet, you will never be out of His sight, for He has much for you to do, and much to do through you.
Know you are loved, and in my prayers!
Dear Lori,
I have been praying for you and believe God is healing you! I am so sorry you are suffering but know it’s not for long. You have a wonderful ministry for Him and are much needed for Jim and your children. You are loved by millions — and especially by your Heavenly Father who will never let you down. My husband and I appreciate you and miss you when we don’t see you. And, as a friend once said to me during a long illness, “You have to be well — you have a lot more shopping to do!”
Bless you, pretty lady!
Dear Lori,
I’m so sorry to hear you are sick. You are such a inspiration to me. I read your book last year and know God always had special plans in your life.You are an amazing kind person with a huge heart. I will keep you and your loved ones in prayers for your healing. God Bless you! Heidi
Dear Lori, My brother was diagnosed with Hep.c over 20 years ago. He to had to be on interferon. He was so very sick. Our entire family prayed for him to return to health. God is great and true to His word! Praise be to God! You are now in our prayers Lori! My brother is healed and owns his own business! We love you and Jim! Hang in there Lori, your healing is on it’s way! We believe and our Father has you in His loving arms!
Thinking of you this morning and praying for you!
I was listening to Natural News talk show just this morning and the host was interviewing a Mom (professional on Wall St and also a writer for CNBC). Long story short her young daughter came down with hepatitis and Drs could not cure her so the mother sought out help from alternative methods and used protocols from consulting with 3 ND’s. I sent the link to the talk show in a FB message. below is the link to her book she has written about curing her daughter naturally.
Miss Lori, I have supported the ministry for a while now and watch the programs on the web site, also all the live stream tapings I can. I have phoned many times and have gotten to know many there. In this time you have become more family than a ministry I support. I thank God I didn’t get into some of the “stuff” of the 60’s and 70’s, but I don’t judge those who did. In fact I have a relative who did and he is still having trouble as you are. You have been just what Pastor Jim and Tammy Sue needed (actually your whole family). I will keep you in my prayers, a little more than I have. I hope this coming week won’t be to hard on you. As an elder (I’m 68) I say; take it easy. Remember scripture says you are to obey your elders. Shalom, Shalom Baruch
What the devil means for evil God turns for good! I am battling a diagnosis of stage 4 ovarian cancer. I am posting on your page asking for prayer for healing. I am following the Hallelujah Recovery Diet (modified with 10% meat/dairy) based on Gen. 1:29 and my tumors have disappeared from my abdomen already in just 2 months . I still have some cancer in my lymph nodes down my leg and believing for my total healing. Whatever that means to Jesus, like you said Lori. God bless you and your family! Love Darlene Taylor
Lori, The Bride Of Christ is standing in the gap, praying and believing for your complete recovery. Jehovah Rapha, You are our Healer, and there is Healing in Your Wings. El Hanne’eman, The Faithful God, we know that You will do this! Thank you, Jesus!
LYLAS(love you like a sister) Hugs!
Thank you, love that phrase the Bride of Christ praying for me. Thanks, Love you too, Lori
Lori, Dear Lori~ I am hoping and praying for your complete recovery and peace in the process. I have been amazed–in awe–at the way you and Jim so faithfully have delivered the gospel of peace to millions, nearly every single day. That takes an inhuman amount of energy and miracles to not only possess sufficient health, but to do so with such unceasing love and pure intent. You are a HERO to me, and you know how to fight the good fight. It brings tears to my eyes to think that you are so willing to surrender your will to God. That takes an amazing amount of faith, and boy you have earned it in the furnace of affliction. God be with you–every step of the way. Thank you so much for your incredible, bright testimony. You are one of the Lord’s lights.
p.s. Can’t wait to see you next week!
Lori, Thank You as always for your transparency as I feel this is the only way that the Lord can reach out to so many. Those that feel hopeless need to hear the testimony of those that have been redeemed from a life of sin and self and know that God is no respecter of persons and what he has done for you He can do for them. Sin is ugly and I have lived that ugly life myself. But so often the church does not want to know or hear how really ugly it can get. But Praise be to God He can taken a broken and ugly vessel and make it something beautiful. I am trusting and believing for your complete healing. Blessings to you Lori.
Hi – Thanks so much for your prayers. I’m so grateful for wonderful ministry friends like you. Love, Lori
You have so Inspired my life, with Your compassion for others,and your awesome testimony of the Love of God, I will be standing with You Through it ALL! Love You,& hope to visit Morningside this spring/summer!….
Dear Kathy — Thank you for your kind words. God is so good. I’m looking forward to your visit. Love, Lori
I am completely overwhelmed by all of your love, concern, and especially your prayers. Thank you, thank you, thank you! You can be sure I have prayed for you and I am asking our prayer center to pray for you too. I love you all!!
You bless me so much Lori. Reading your post brought tears to my eyes. You’re so important to Jim, your children, the ministry. Me and Brad (being a bit selfish here.)
The beauty and pleasure you bring to the show taping. I pray for you. Im pleading for your supernatural healing. I’m praying this way because I want the healing to come soon. But I also believe The Lord knows what is best for you. And for all of us who love you. We continue to pray…love you dear one. We all love you.
Joy – Your encouraging words really ministered to me. Jesus is my Healer. Love, Lori
Lori, please know that my husband and I have a burden to pray for you. We love you and Jim and our hearts go out to you in this time of trial. You are such a precious woman! I know we are just two of many that have you on their hearts and are praying for you! God Bless!
I just want to thank you Brenda and your husband for your prayers. God bless, Lori
Dear Lori,
You will be in my prayers daily. Two scriptures come to my heart to give you;
Matt. 9:20-22 “And behold, a woman who had suffered from a flow of blood for 12 years came up behind Him and touched the fringe of his garment. For she kept saying to herself,if I only touch His garment,I shallbe restored to health. Jesus turned around and, seeing her, He said, TAKE COURAGE DAUGHTER,your fsith had made you well.And at once the woman was restored to health.” Also Ephesians 6:13,14 “Therefore put on God’s complete armor, thst you may be able to resist and STAND your ground…..having done all (the crisis demands), to STAND (firmly in your place)…..I am praying that you stand on Jesus Christ. He has prerminence over all things. Colossians 1:18
Thank you for those scriptures — God’s Word works! I appreciate your prayers. Love, Lori
I had hep c treatment tht ws debilitating 5 out of 7 days a week, heidi baker ,& a man of God from ruth heflins camp ground n Va. By God prayed for & imparted to me! Long story short! Aftr 8 mnths interferon & rebetol . I ws declared clear,, still am today , tht ws 2002! U didnt say thts wht u hv but felt thts wht it is ! Be encouraged. Id love to be a le to slend time w you guys there as , ive gone thru same depth of loss , etc but mostly alone., or w out People, never w out Jesus ! I hv not been restored bac to ministry & am still very isolated ! Thts where I need connection! We are the Bride of Christ & part of thr same body, so we do share the pain & Joy of each member , & Cry Come Lord Jesus!!
Wow! What a testimony you have and it is very encouraging to me. Thanks for sharing. My prayer team and I will stand for total restoration for you. Love, Lori
Lori , we have and serve an awesome God! Everything that you are now going through, Gid has already conquered! Count it as joy when you experience the pain and sickness that you are now experiencing because you are assured that by His stripes you are healed ! He felt the pain and knows the nausea you must endure because He is bringing you to another level of life In The Lord! What you now are enduring, He has already been there . Hold tight to Our Lord, let Him comfort you when you cry out for mercy and know that there is nothing you can’t handle when Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ guides your every move. Love, Diane Rice
Thank you Diane — I felt strength coming from your prayerful words. Love, Lori
Praying for you Lori, you are such a inspiration to me. Please continue to pray for my granddaughter Breighlin Isitt , 2 years old (Guacher disease) The doctors said she would not see 2 years but they where wrong we just celebrated her 2 year birhday 2/10…trusting, standing, believing in Jesus Christ to finish the good work he has started…Be Healed in Jesus Name…! xo
I am agreeing and standing with you for the healing of Breighlin. I have forwarded your prayer request to my prayer team as well. Thank you for praying for me. Love, Lori
Lori, joining with you in confession that by the Stripes of Jesus you ARE healed and how our wonderful, loving God chooses to manifest this in your body is His Delight!!! Would appreciate prayer for my stomach and probably whole digestive system. I am 73, almost 74 and have had dealings with digestion since childhood. Will get along just fine for a time and then the whole system is out-of-order. Thank you for standing with me also. Love in Christ, Phyllis
Phyllis — You are in my prayers and I have forwarded your request to my prayer team as well. Appreciate your prayers for me. God bless you, Lori
You know Lori, I am dealing with something very similar. When I was young I knew my family history. I knew the chances of me contracting diabetes were very high. But did I listen and watch my diet NO, I can tell you, I did the exact opposite. I have been a christian since I was 11. I love the LORD and He loves me. He wants only the best for all of us. But I have come to believe that when we don’t listen and learn, we temp fate. I don’t think it has anything to do with our love for the Lord or His love for us. I do think He allows us to reap what we have sown. Not as a lesson, but to prove to us and be a witness to his WORD. Yes He can heal us in the blink of an eye if he so choses. But allowing us to reap the bad seed we have sown is a way of showing us His love too. In my case, it has been a lesson for my grown kids. They see now that we never leave this life that we don’t reap what we have sown, just as Gods word has taught us. Praise GOD He loves us so much. Just as we are parents and want to teach our kids, He is teaching us. We are a word in progess until we breath our last breathe. He expects us to pass on what we have learned. You will be in our prayers as you walk through this difficult time. We love you and Jim.
Thank you for sharing your heart and part of your life’s journey. We are all a work in progress, so true! Love, Lori
Lori, You have been on my mind lately and now I know why. I have been wondering how you were doing with your hepatitis condition and if your diet has helped? Thank you for the prayer request. I will be praying for your healing.
Thank you for caring. Yes, since I changed my eating habits I can tell a difference in many ways. Thanks for your prayers and I know with Jesus it can only get better! Lori
Hi again Lori. Here is a link to the story on that new drug.
God bless you!!!
Thanks for the info. Lori
You can count on my prayers,sister. Know that you are loved.
Thanks — and you are loved too! Lori
Lori, I love you….I love you so much and my heart is sending you hugs…hugs…hugs,. I am praying for total healing any way that God chooses to do this for you. He is able to do ALL things. God has His hand of love and healing on you this very second and He is NEVER letting go….God is always there…and when you have a tough day know that I am out here as well as others praying you through to victory and we shall glorify God together and praise Him for who He is our loving heavenly father who provides, heals, comforts, and strengthens us through any trial we may walk thorough. Lord, please wrap your arms of love around Lori and grant her total complete healing. Thank you for being there always ready to comfort us and strengthen us at all times . Thank you for the healing taking place even now with Lori and we shall give you the glory for you are our peace in the midst of the storm and you are our fortress when we feel weak. Protect Lori and help any medical people to sense your spirit there and may they come to know you if they do not know you..guide each step and we shall give YOU all the glory..In your precious name…amen . XOXOXO Lori…. MyMy I love you !
Your prayers are powerful! Thank you for standing with me. Love, Lori
Praying for you, Lori. Greater is He that’s within you, than he that is in the world.
Oh, before each treatment, try praying this, “I thank you, Father, that if I take up any deadly thing it shall not harm me, in Jesus’ name.”
Keep me in your prayers. God knows.
And aren’t we thankful that “God knows” — you are in my prayers. We are overcomers in Jesus’ name. Thanks for the suggestion before each treatment. Love, Lori
Hi Lori ,
I am standing with you in prayer at this time in your life. I had a woman that worked for me that went through the same treatment that I think you will take. She is fine now and is doing great. Please keep us posted if you choose to on your progress , we would love to know and hold you up in prayer .
Blessings cathy
God bless you for your sweet and encouraging note. I’m hearing more good reports about this treatment and the good results of it. Thanks again, Lori
Dear Lori, Keep up the good fight! Your prayers are our prayers, and we know that God is all ears and is waiting to do miracles based on our commitment to Him. I am a regular viewer of your show, and really do get such joy hearing you and Jim testify of your love for our Savior.
Sometimes it is the rough seas of life that teach us the most and make us stronger. God’s purpose for us may be hidden for a season. But none of our suffering is ever wasted. As it changes us, we will become more valuable servants to the Lord, and His blessings will multiply a hundred fold.
I for one stand with you in battling for your health. And there is an entire army of the faithful who are behind you, cheering you on. YOU GO GIRL!!! With love, Christina
Christina, you are so precious. Thank you for standing with me. I’m glad the programs are ministering to you. Blessings, Lori
The mother of those who do not know the feelings….of loosing a baby…until its too late…Lori you give the world…an insight…no one can forget…God Bless You! And do not make shipwreck of your FAITH….Keep giving us the scriptures we all need….as we prepare to meet our Maker! LOVE YOU!, connie
Connie – I am determined to fulfill my destiny and with the Lord’s help and the prayers of wonderful friends like you I know I will. Lori
my prayers go out for ya and be well in Jesus name i watch the show daily online and recorded on daystar every wed, you and Jim are a blessing God bless
So happy to have you as our ministry friend. Thanks for your prayers. Lori
The Lord gave me a revelation several decades ago (the early 1970’s) in regards to HIS healing power. I was going through a time where I decided I would claim healing for everything. When my husband saw how ill with a strep throat I had become, he insisted on taking me to the Dr., who immediately hospitalized me. I had been healed supernaturally of several serious physical problems, and I knew the Lord’s healing power was available, But while in the hospital, the Holy Spirit gave me this revelation of medical science coupled with His healing power (really identically the same message as a little later Oral Roberts taught), and from that time on, we pray first, and then inquire of the Lord as to whether we need to go to the Dr. You have made the right decision, and I am praying for you, that, in the midst of this medical process, that the Lord’s healing power will SPEED UP the process. Be encouraged. Love in Jesus, MEJH
Yes, that’s my prayer too — that the process will be accelerated through the power of the Holy Spirit and the stripes of Jesus! Thank you for your anointed words. Lori
Prayers Lori…..God didnt bring you this far to not make and ensure your complete health to share your message with those who need it….You are an end times woman..I know that…as is Jim…We are all needed now and Satan tried to attack..but he was defeated at the cross…I claim every healing part that is needed from the room that God gave me vision to where there are many super natural new parts awaiting those that need……Maybe some may think that is insanity..but I know its real…I am alive with parts that should be destroyed…cells that should be….God is the miracle worker..and I pray he touches every person that treats you medically and every touch be a healing touch..In Jesus name….Amen…love..hugs n prayers….(still hoping to return to Morningside this summer)….Lorna Currie..
Praying for you and believing with you Lori. God is an awesome healing God and by the stripes on Jesus back YOU are healed!!!
Lori ,Praying for you, I watch you every day .My daughter and grandson both have the same thing, Terri and Todd, please pray them
Will be praying for you on this journey that God will help you to persevere Into your destiny.
Please pray for me as well as I going through major attach.
Rhona, you are in my prayers too and I sent your prayer request to the prayer team as well. Love, Lori
Lori, I totally relate to your message. I too strayed for a time and returned. It amazed me that God could use me in ministry despite my failure. But I gave it all to him. The enemy, however, likes to keep reminding us of our weakness and has brought things to light that have hurt those I love. A healing needs to take place and I covet your prayers as I pray for you!
Sharon – so thankful you have been restored. Let’s keep on keeping on no matter what. Your request is being prayed for by my prayer team as well. Lori
Lori, my sweet little sister in Christ, Ralph and I watch and pray for you and yours daily. Now that we hear a bout your health and therapy, I feel I must let you know how very much we are with you in this prayer journey. You see our daughter in. law is just 6 week’s week’s away from completing her interferon therapy. We have seen her go through several trial studies from Washington University Medical School. Finally we feel the Lord will bless her with FREEDOM FROM HEP. 3. And we keep you right there with her. May our Lord Jesus keep you wrapped in His healing arms. With our love,
Lola Stoer and Ralph Field.
Thank you for your kind and encouraging message. I’ll pray for your daughter-in-law and have asked the prayer team to include her in prayer. Lori
Lori, every since I heard about the treatment you’re taking, I’ve been praying for you. I don’t know you personally, but feel I do from watching you on television. God has really given me a burden for you, my dear, and I consider it an honor to be lifting you up to His throne of grace. You are SO loved!
Thank you Jeanette — Jim and I love all our partners and viewers. You are precious to us. Your prayers are needed and thank you for being willing to share this burden in prayer. Love, Lori
Our God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory. Your need is healing at this time. I thank God that He has never let us down. I thank God that through Jesus we can boldly come to His throne. Jesus is at the throne of God praying for us. I pray all is well in your life and the life of your family. All is well! In Jesus name, Amen
Yes, all is well because I am in the arms of Jesus and He is everything. Lori
We will continue to pray for the manifestation of your healing! My husband is also believing for the manifestation of his torn ACL in the knee. God has shown himself so powerful in the past when it comes to healing! I am sure He will continue to do so in you and us.
We saw The Son of God movie today, and as expected, it was fantastic! I was so impressed with the total willingness of Jesus to lay His life down… The ultimate Passover Lamb! It hit home as to all that He has given in our place! Our healing is a part of that gift of God! Praise His Holy Name!
We love you all and pray for you always! Keep up the “good fight of faith!”
Colleen Shirley
Fort Worth, Texas
I’m agreeing for your husband’s total healing as well. Bless you both and thanks for praying. Wasn’t the movie fantastic??!! Love, Lori
Praying for you Lori and family.
I so appreciate your prayers for me and my family. This season of healing in my life is affecting all the family. Jesus is my Healer! Lori
You are in my prayers. Lori and I pray for healing on your body in Christ’s name. Thank you and Jim for your ministry and the comfort I get when watching your program. God is alive and loves me for which I am so thankful and for your coming into my home each day with your teachings.
Joey Grim
Denver, Colorado
Joey — It means to much to Jim and me that the broadcasts are ministering to you. Yes, Jesus is alive and He still heals today and that gives me assurance that I will be delivered from Hep C. God bless, Lori
You are in our prayers…You are not alone..Remember “Footprints in the Sand”..He will carry you ..He always has..You are a Winner already…We know the end of the Story-we win-Satan looses..We love you and Brother Jim and everyone @ Morningside.
God bless you for your love, prayers and concern. Lori
Yes, we win because of Jesus and the victory he won at Calvary and thru the resurrection. Thanks for your prayers and thoughtful message. Lori
Dearest Lori we are standing with you, Pastor Jim and your family for your healing. We love you and know God has a pathway to your healing of His choosing. As you already said, it is already done. By His stripes you are already healed!
Dear Lori, I found myself in kind of the same situation. I grew up as a Christian but when I was about 18 yrs of age I strayed away from The Lord. I had my season of drugs but I ended up a very hard worker with a career that was very demanding. My mother, father, husband and Jesus stuck with me even when I treated them as if they didn’t exist. I was too caught up in my job. I worked for that company for 29 yrs. In 2008 I was laid off. Didn’t know what to do with myself but I could feel a constant pull on my heart. I wasn’t listening hard enough. I knew there was a war going on but kept putting it off. My husband didn’t know The Lord and when I would talk to him about it, it always seem to come out wrong. God wanted our attention and He finally go it. I was diagnosed with cancer in 2010. I was given less than a 50% chance of survival. They removed the entire inside top portion of my mouth. I went through chemo and six weeks of radiation. It was horrible. I made it through because Jesus was with me the whole time. I could feel him always. When I was going through radiation, my husband was hit by a car while riding his bike. They didn’t know his brain was bleeding until it was almost too late. As sick as I was I got him to the doc just in time. So I say He got both of our attention. I have my challenges now but Jesus kept us because He loves us. Jesus told me, I could be bitter or I could be better. We chose Jesus. He will never leave us or forsake us. Bless you and Jim. SE
I pray that God completely heals you according to Isaiah 53:4,5…By His stripes we are healed. You are such an inspiration to so so many women, young and old. I love to watch you on the show and watch how you respect your husband.
Love in Christ,
Lisa Steedley
Lori, I will be standing in agreement with you and all others that are praying for you that God’s will be done in your life….Jesus died that we may live and have life more abundantly and be a witness to Him for others…I love you, Lori and believe by faith that your life will be a testimony unto God and Lori’s House will save many…Glory be to God, who is our Lord and Savior……God is AWESOME!!!
My husband and I will call your name out in prayer in our daily time with God. Their are many good people in the medical profession because God called them and uses them for his glory.Many blessings to you,we love you.
Lori this January 14,2014 makes 3 years that
I have been dealing with the after pain from
Shingles all on the left side . I had no itching with mine at all. Mine felt like someone stabing me with a knife! I also have trigeminal neuralgia which affects
My jaw on the left side but a month a ago it moved to the right . The pain leval is extremely high. When I’ve been given shots &
Pain medication it does not take the pain away. I’m taken 21 different pills a day for pain. I’m on disabilty so I can’t work or drive. And that is so hard for me I’m usually the type that is out helping others ! I have to look to God and His strength to get me through this
So I will surly be praying for you & your health and I thank you ever so much for doing the same for me.
I watch you & Jim every day and love you guys ! God Bless you!
new info.
A new drug to treat hepatitis C that’s been hailed as a major breakthrough received FDA approval on Friday, just two weeks after another much-anticipated hepatitis C drug was approved. Sofosbuvir (brand name Sovaldi) is a nucleotide analog inhibitor that blocks a protein the hepatitis C virus needs to replicate.
Sovaldi, made by Northern California-based Gilead Sciences, is the first drug the FDA has approved to treat hepatitis C without the addition of interferon, a drug that must be injected and can cause debilitating side effects. For the many patients who can’t tolerate interferon treatment, Sovaldi – taken as a once-a-day pill – is the breakthrough they’ve been waiting for. Sovaldi is also approved to treat four different genotypes, or strains, of hepatitis C.
Calling it a “landmark advance in the treatment of hepatitis C,” the CDC ‘s director of the Division of Viral Hepatitis, John Ward, MD, said the FDA’s approval of Sovaldi opened up “new opportunities to stop the spread of this virus and the ravages of this disease.”
The FDA approved Sovaldi as part of combination antiviral therapy with either ribavarin alone, or ribavarin and interferon. In the FDA’s announcement, Edward Cox, MD, director of the Office of Antimicrobial Products, called sofosbuvir “a significant shift in the treatment paradigm.”
Without interferon, the only common side effects reported for Sovaldi (with ribavarin) were fatigue and headache. Combination antiviral treatment including peg
Sweet Lori,
I will pray for you. I also wanted to get you in touch with a Pastor friend of mine who went through the same treatment that you are going through. He wants to tell you there is a new, much easier, very effective treatment now.
Please email me so I can put you in touch with him by email or phone. I don’t like to put his private info down.
I love you Lori.
You can believe that I will not only pray for you but add your name to every prayer list I come across.
No weapon formed against you shall prosper! No devil in hell can complete an assignment against you! You are a beloved daughter of the King!
Love in Yeshua!
Cathie Miller
I’m praying for you!
I developed Juvenile Diabetes (Type 1) in my 40s, most likely as a result of a bad diet when I used to work full time and going through a great deal of stress for a few years. The devil used to be able to get away with telling me it was my fault until I realized NO, I am not the one who caused the world to fall in the first place.
I’m now well into my 50s and still deal every day with the disease, especially the extreme fatigue. Not to mention taking five shots a day. But I’m doing far better than was ever expected having lived with it so long. I know prayer works as any auto immune disease like Type 1 diabetes fights the body’s immune system.
I am so glad you are talking about this. I wonder how many people blame themselves that something is their fault when it was long ago covered by the blood of Christ?
My son David found out a few months ago that he has Multiple Myeloma Cancer. He’s now taking Chemo and will soon have a Stem Cell transplant. Tomorrow he has to go to the hospital to have a nodule remove from his left thyroid. His dad Dick has been dealing with stage one lung cancer and so far he’s in remission. Praying for a complete healing for you Lori. Please keep our family in your prayers. God Bless you Lori.
Thank you, thank you. Lori
Mrs. Lori,
You inspire me! Thank you for being so candid about your restoration. I have somewhat a similar story, and I relate my process to God chopping down the tree that grew from the wrong kind of seeds that I and others planted. Now, He has planted a new seed and tree is growing in my life that is planted by the river like in Jeremiah 17:8. I see your life as a testimony of God’s perfect grace and mercy. I will pray for you to be healed and whole. I will also pray for the side effects of your treatment to cease in the name of Jesus. Amen.
What a great word – and I love the analogy. You are a blessing and thanks for the prayers. Lori
Love and prayers Lori.
Dearest Lori, My thoughts and prayers are with you, i will asked God to restore to you what He had for you at the time of your birth, so much has been stolen from us, our Lord wants to and is able to restore, we are His children and O how he loves us! Thank you Lord for my sister, and for the blessing you Lord have made her to be! Your Sister in the Lord, Joy
HIs great love sustains us — so true. Grateful for your prayers and I agree I’m in the middle of a restoration process. Lori
You can be assured of my prayers. God is full of mercy and love. He NEVER leaves us and answers all our prayers according to His will. During this special time of Lent and during my Divine Mercy Devotions (3PM each day) — I will remember you in my prayers as well as the prayers of the rosary when we ask the Blessed Mother of Jesus to intercede and bring our prayers to Jesus as a mother would ask her son for help. (When we pray to Mary, the mother of God, we ask her intercession.)
It is certainly a time for all Christians to unite and evangelize — the harvest time is here.
I was so touched by your kind words and thoughtfulness. Thanks for being my sister in the Lord. Lori
Lori, we are all in this fight together. You have yours and I have mine but it is the sa,me devil who tries to take us down. I have been watching all this about giants and blood moons and aliens and feel Jesus will be taking us out anytime now. I do not know about the rapture. Some think before some mid. I tend to think we arem going through some of it right now.. I am sure Jim thought he was going through it when he was framed into going to prison.
Love Jackie Hollar.
There is so much we are learning and so much more to learn. God is so good, and, like you I look forward to the Lord’s return. Lori
Sometimes when I watch the show and Jim speaks of your past I sense some shame that you are dealing with. I PRAY that GOD would heal your broken heart and set you at liberty who are bruised. I pray for a complete healing from the hep c virus.When people are in a war as you have been, when they come home they are proud of their scars. You are not proud of the past but be proud that you made it and proud to tell people how you made it . All this brought you to the FATHER who LOVES you . GOD BLESS you sooooo much. LOVE Tom and Lora
Lorrie, I will pray for you, believing that God is already working ahead of our prayers, and your testimony will encourage, and set many, many free in Jesus name.
Thank you for praying and I agree that God will turn all of this for the good. Lori
So appreciative of your prayers. We serve a prayer-answering God and like you I believe God is already working. Lori
prayer for healing
Thanks so much. Love, Lori
Yes, we are in agreement prayer with you for complete restoration in your body. As you were speaking today on the broadcast (my March 4rh), before you were leaving for the doctors … I felt that the enemy was “still trying to ‘abort’ things in your life, as well as, the completion of Lori’s House”, but … WE KNOW WE WIN! The devil is a liar! NEVER, NEVER, NEVER give up! You have come this far “by faith” and the completion of Lori’s House and the things in your body are coming ‘in line with the Word of God’ and you are being healed and whole! Thank you for your honesty and your complete trust in our God displayed on TV,
Thank you for your prayers. As we all continue to stand together and trust the Lord we will be victorious. There is no one better to trust than our Jesus! Lori
I will pray for your healing. I love your blog & have recently purchased your book for my nook. Loved it very much. God Bless You.
Hi Lori, I am praying for you and thinking of you! I watch you and Jim every day, and you guys have brought me much comfort during my sorrow and struggles with life. I feel like you guys are old friends. God Bless you and all you do! I wanted to share that I have a Brother in law who also has the same condition as you caused from his past(1970’s and 1980’s), he is well into his 60’s, was ill in the past and is doing great now with his chosen form of treatments. Yes, God can heal us whatever way he chooses, but life is a gift and learning, and sometimes our roads traveled (good and bad) are gifts! Love ya! Cindy
Praying for you, Lori. You are an inspiration and encouragement to me.
I also am battling health issues, though not as drastic as yours. Physically disabled with a current problem of severe allergy to cigarette smoke (as well as ALL types of smoke) in an apartment that leaks this out through air conditioning vents. Due to finances, moved to lower rent here 2 months ago. Management has used an ionizer 2-3 times, repainted the ceiling. But the problem is ongoing vent leakage of smoke from surrounding neighbors.
The only thing that somewhat helps is to CONSTANTLY spray Purification essential oils mused with distilled water. Very costly at about $131 EXTRA cost per month.
Breaking the lease is costly, one and one half the rent. Then another large moving exense I cannot afford. The management has not returned my call, probably hoping I give up. I am getting sicker and stuck I an impossible predicament. Please pray for me. God bless you and Jim. Keep up the good work for the Lord.
Dear Maria — I’m praying for you and also have sent your prayer needs to our prayer team. Thanks for sharing and for your prayers on my behalf. Lori
Hi Lori!
I am so grateful to the Lord for your marriage to Reverend Jim Bakker as your support and love are so important and vital to him. He is a truly good man who has suffered much, and this God ordained matrimonial union will sustain you as you recover from your illness. You support each other so well and God will honor your devotion to Reverend Jim and your family, and to the ministry you have offered to the Lord for His work. Nothing will stop this, as no weapon formed against either of you will prosper. That verse is wonderful to repeat again and again to yourself as you go through this trial. All will be well as the Lord wants your ministry on Earth to prosper so that His kingdom in this sinful world will also prosper. Satan can]t attack your health and win. He already lost all the battles at Calvary so he is a constant and consistent liar and thief. He tries to take what is not his and will suffer for this one day in the not too distant future…I was once a PTL partner of Reverend Jim’s and I have always had a warm place in my heart for him, and now I have that place for you, too. He is sincere and humble and so are you and your love is evident. I’ve been so glad you found each other and have raised such a wonderful family together and had joy these years after his loss of PTL. You’re a great blessing Lori, and will continue to be so. Please stay strong – don’t believe the devil’s lies. He is a defeated foe. You are greatly loved. In Him Cathy Caruso
Thank you, Cathy. I am so thankful that God brought Jim into my life. More than I could have ever asked for — Jim’s commitment and walk with the Lord continually inspires me. You’re right – No weapon will prosper because the battle has already been won by Jesus. Good to hear from you. Love, Lori
Lori. Definitely praying for you! My Jim and I love you. Better still, God loves you. He will provide! Gods blessings always! Barb
Amen! I am blessed and am in total agreement with your words that God will provide! Lori
Wow – what an encouraging word. I’m believing for total healing and so appreciate your prayers. Lori
I could tell on todays broadcast you weren’t feeling well and I prayed for you. Then you shared you had a Drs. appointment and how brother Putman had encouraged you. The longer you shared the brighter you became. The anointing in you will destroy the yoke on you and you will run and not grow weary and walk and not faint. You are in my heart and prayers, be blessed, Claudia
Thank you for caring. I appreciate your sensitivity to the spirit. Thanks for your prayers. Lori