Loving Each Other

How committed are you to God, to His church, to the people sitting around you in your local congregation? If everyone treated the church the way you do, would the church be a caring, comforting, safe place, or would it be an indifferent, unconcerned, dangerous environment? If everyone was investing in the Christian community what you are investing, would it be a place where spiritual maturity is promoted, spiritual safety is procured, and spiritually motivated care is provided?

If everyone treated the church and functioned in the body with the same commitment level that you do, would it be prospering?

Some may say, “Well, I’ve given up on the church.” Have you?

God hasn’t.

And we shouldn’t either!

One thought on “Loving Each Other

  1. I still remember so claerly the first time I saw Jim’s work probably more than any other photo assignment I’ve ever had the pleasure of viewing. I was sitting in a car dealership flipping through a National Geographic back in 1997 (-ish) where I stumbled upon his North Woods Journal. The idea of being allowed only ONE frame a day for 90 days is still so intriguing to me. Really makes you think about pulling the trigger on a photograph, especially now when we can fire away in the digital world with little financial or material consequence to slow down and compose for your sole photograph of a day I still love it and strive to find such patience and discipline!

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