Hungry for God

I don’t even know how to explain this except to say that I’m so hungry for God it hurts! Have you ever experienced that kind of hunger? Deep down inside, you know that nothing can satisfy you except the REAL THING! You’re not satisfied with pretending, or a glorified imitation, or even the hype of emotionalism. You want the REAL THING!

In this day we’re living in, it should be driving all Christians to their knees to seek God like never before. We can’t be lukewarm or you know what will happen! It’s not time to be aloof, or indifferent to the things we see and hear in our world. Sometimes I feel like Jeremiah – the weeping prophet – when I watch the news on TV! Read Jeremiah, chapter 9!

It’s time to press in and to seek God with all our hearts, all our minds, and all our strength. It’s time to say what’s right about God, not regurgitate what we’ve heard others say that sounds right.

Are you hungry for God? Do you want to feel His Presence every minute of every day? Do you want to see revival come to you, your loved ones, and your church?

Let’s get hungry!






4 thoughts on “Hungry for God

  1. Lori you hit the bulls eye smack center with a power punch that deeply penetrated the bulls eye… We need to be HUNGRY! As I read your blog I could hear the passion in your words, I could see your body with tenacity of every word you spoke…. I envisioned you speaking with the same passion as TD Jakes did about being HUNGRY!

    I am so with you right now being HUNGRY! I AM hungry… I’m hungry for the staples… not the desserts! The staples is getting ourselves where we need to be… then what better dessert could our belly have or eyes see than what the Holy Spirit brings in the form of JOY when the devil gets hand cuffed with the Blood of Jesus and another soul gets Delivered from the very handcuffs he/she were locked up in! Joy unspeakable and full of laughter because someone got hungry…. hungry for the Deliverance of people…. Deliverance for unborn babies….. Deliverance in these end times to go out into the highways and byways of the world we live in and bring Freedom to the prisoners of their own souls. Gal 5:1 Hallelujah! “Our world” … Our “personal” world is called our neighborhoods, places of employment, lines at the unemployment office, “our world” where God has strategically placed us to bring the Word of the God. It takes His Boldness…. and our “Hunger” for it to bring it about! I’m with you Girl…. I’M “H*U*N*G*R*Y” ! I’m one of the “Hungry Hunters”! Hallelujah!

    Such a Good Word Lori! Thanks!
    Love with Bouquets of Love, Blessings & Prayer from California!

  2. Lori, me too! The more I watch Rabbi Jonathan Cahn and Rabbi Daniel Lapin talk about the Jewish God and teach us about the Hebrew meaning of the Bible… heart just leaps with Joy! I want to know more than the God who sent His Son….I want to know all of Him! It is just mind blowing when they talk about such a big Loving God that has it all under control! I am excited for the future!I have loved Him with all my heart and Life! I have not been perfect by any means. But I have done my best! I think it is a new chapter for all of us who are wanting to know Him more! He is Faithful to give us more of Him. He is unveiling who He is in the last days! Exciting! God Bless! Hugs!

  3. I could not have said it better! The closer we get to going home the more I crave Him! I love watching you and Jim on your show. It helps to hear real sincere Christians discuss the Bible and end times. I can’t get enough of His word. I talk to Jesus and think about him all the time. Love you all!

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