Healthy Choices in 2015

Healthy choices in nutrition and lifestyle is something that all of us can learn to make. It’s not too late for you to learn, no matter what your age!  Jim and I started making healthy choices a few years back, and I can truthfully say that we have never felt better! We hope to inspire others to get started on a healthy course. It’s a perfect time for you to make a change!  In fact, getting healthy in 2015 is very achievable!

The greatest challenge is just getting started!

Jim and I have found an awful lot of humor lately in the natural aging process.  I guess it is better that way – it sure beats crying!  But seriously, we are coming into a harsh reality of the facts of life regarding our age. Jim and I focus so much on health issues on our show because we know that taking care of your health is the most important thing you can do and I’ll tell you why.

Your quality of life diminishes when you are not healthy, and your spiritual life suffers as well.  When you don’t have your health, it’s hard to pray, it’s hard to read your Bible, and it’s hard to focus on anything spiritual at all!  When you are sick, all your strength goes to the misery of your illness.

When you are not feeling well physically you cannot be there for the people who love you.  You cannot minister to others who need you either.  To be and show the love that Christ asks of us, we must begin with loving ourselves enough to take care of this temple that has been so graciously given to us.

The added bonus of a healthier lifestyle is not only will you feel better, you will look better too, which makes the aging process a lot more tolerable!

We have learned so much from the health experts that we have on the show and we want you to know how, in many cases, you can heal yourself by eating right and exercising!

Recently Montel Williams joined us on the show and shared his journey in taking back his life from Multiple Scleroses with nutrition. Frank Davis and Elaine Atkinson were also here to teach you how to make healthier choices so that you can age gracefully and make the most of your life!  The Lord has truly blessed our ministry by putting us together with people that can teach us…we have a God that desires to hold our hand and bless our endeavors…but ultimately it is up to US to take care of ourselves.

Please check out some of the Love Gifts we have to offer for your health!  I promise you…Jim and I never offer anything to you that we do not use for our own health and our whole family. I encourage you to watch our shows featuring Montel and Frank and Elaine.  They are just as inspirational in person as they are on our show and they KNOW the power of nutrition!  The advice they have to give you will get you on the road to a healthier, happier new you!

Remember, getting started is the hardest part, but you can do it!



One thought on “Healthy Choices in 2015

  1. Lori,

    Did you know that Mahalia Jackson (October 26, 1911 – January 27, 1972), arguably the greatest Gospel singer of all time, as she has long ago been labeled as the “Queen of Gospel”; actually died of heart failure and diabetes complications?

    I don’t want to seem like I’m “judging” Mahalia Jackson about how she “handled” her personal health problems, BUT I must say that; with a Christian female as herself, having been greatly blessed by God, with an incredibly “heavenly” voice such as hers – and a voice so GREAT that even Martin Luther King once said: “A voice like this one comes NOT once in a century, but once in a millennium” ; that accordingly, I would say that it was quite TRAGIC that she inadvertently had her life “cut short” due to health problems, with her having died at the relatively young age of 61; perhaps due to her “lack of knowledge”, during her time in history, on just what to do about those same medical complications.

    Or perhaps the medical profession itself, at the end of her life, did not have the “knowledge” on what to do about Mahalia Jackson’s particular medical problems, to prevent her from having to die at such a young age as 61. But the POINT here is that; even with such a world-renown Christian gospel singer as her – serving God with her incredible voice – still was NOT able to keep herself from having to “die” before reaching the average life span of about 77 years (give-or-take a few); and thus, this fact should tell us that the Lord – NO MATTER HOW GREATLY “BLESSED” WE ARE BY HIM – still expects us to make ourselves “accountable” to him, even when it comes to having to “take care” of our temples. Sadly, Lori, even with the very BEST of intentions of “serving” the Lord throughout our lives with all of our might; that NEVERTHELESS, to see other believers have their lives “cut short”, due to medical complication that could’ve been prevented or alleviated – should WARN current believers who are left “alive”; to spend TIME reading about “eating healthy”, such as what natural foods, herbs, and physical activities are valuable for maintaining good health.

    The Principals of healthy living apply to Christians as much as it does to “unbelievers”. The Lord wants to “bless” even “The Wicked”, since He states in Jeremiah 31:3, to a backslidden Israel, that “with loving-kindness have I drawn thee”.

    Even Christ himself states in Matthew 5:45, that God “…..maketh His sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust” [KJV].

    As you correctly imply from your statements above; that YES, “The Church” should indeed be on the “cutting edge” on healthy-eating/health-living. We, “The Body of Christ” should’ve long ago made ourselves “leaders” before the “The World” on healthy living; to show non-Christians as to “WHAT” the Lord has to say in His “word” – and, of course, in Nature – about healthy living.

    Ironically, Lori, since the 1960’s, in urban America and the rest of Western Civilization, you’ll find that the vast majority of naturopathic health professionals – spiritually speaking – subscribe to “New-Age” or Hinduic-type of philosophies for living. They usually promote for their clients an Eastern-mystical type of philosophy to live by. Nearly ALL of them are NOT “Christian” by “religion”. And this has been, for decades, a sad state of affairs for the Kingdom of God; given that their Eastern mysticism has “sucked up” naïve well-intentioned, spiritually-minded people who are sincerely “searching” for a “relationship” with a “God” that they do not yet “know” – BUT want to “come to know”; and simultaneously searching for good health to go along with their search for the “True God”; BUT tragically, with Satan continuously deceiving these same “God-searchers”, by Satan ingeniously incorporating “healthy living” principals that do indeed “work” – BUT exclude giving “credit” to the God of the Bible – that is, OUR GOD, “The God of Abraham, Isaac, & Jacob”; and rather, with the Devil cunningly MIXING up these same “teachings” on good health along with demonically-inspired pagan Eastern philosophies, religions, and practices – such as Hinduism itself and yoga.

    [By the way, Lori, speaking on YOGA itself, it is not necessarily “demonic”, per se; BUT is so closely tied to Eastern mysticism, that consequently, it makes it very “hard” for well-intentioned Christians who are seeking “tips” to take care of their bodies, to morally separate the “wheat-from-the-chaff. This requires great prayer on our part – that is, for God to inform us as to “what” healthy-living practices are indeed “godly”, as opposed to those that are “demonic”, and thus should be avoided. This is an individual “judgment-call” for every believer. It is not for me to “judge” another believer for taking up yoga. This requires careful fore-thought and prayer for every Christian to make up his/her own mind].

    But again; YES, we “The Church” should’ve long ago been on the “cutting edge” on healthy-eating/health-living. That is, we, “The Body of Christ” should’ve long ago made ourselves “leaders” before the “The World” on healthy living; to show non-Christians as to “WHAT” the Lord has to say in His “word” – and, of course, in Nature – about healthy living; in eating, physical exercise, and natural medication.
    But, with the upcoming “Economic Collapse”, we’ll all be forced, by God, to come back to Nature!!! But this will all be God’s will anyway; that is, for the Church to RETURN to her Biblical roots – for physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being – that can only come by the revealed Word of God, and Nature, and the wisdom of Christ Jesus himself!!


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