One thing I know for sure is that sin has consequences. I’m urging you to not make the same mistakes I did. I have had to deal with sin’s consequences in my body.
For me those consequences showed up as Hepatitis C and all the side effects of this horrible disease. Plus, my five abortions ended in my not being able to later have children. My last aborted baby had not been totally removed and resulted in a life-threatening infection. I had to have an emergency hysterectomy.
I have never cried more tears than I have these last few months. I have never allowed God to deal with me in a sweet loving way like I have recently. I always felt I didn’t deserve it. I felt so unworthy. What my body has suffered over the years is because of my own wrong doing – bad choices.
I knew a few months ago the time had come for me to face this Hepatitis C giant head on. I had to do something to help myself physically. After much prayer and soul-searching I decided to begin this medical treatment. Some days I feel amazingly well and strong and then other days I know it is better to rest and not exert myself because it is difficult to even function.
Thank you for all your kind words, cards, letters and heartfelt prayers. They have meant so much to me and I have felt the strength and support of your prayers.
Jesus is my Healer and He is your Healer! I was thinking about the praying hands that are located at the entrance of Oral Roberts University in Tulsa, Oklahoma. One hand represents God’s supernatural healing and the other hand represents medical science. The two hands clasp together in prayer representing that God heals both ways and that prayer is always needed. God heals supernaturally and He also uses the wisdom and expertise He has made available to modern medicine to heal His people. It is through prayer that all of this is accomplished.
I have found much peace knowing that my life is in the Lord’s loving and healing hands. I want to encourage you to look to Jesus and remember He bore those stripes for your healing and mine. (I Peter 2:24) The joy of the Lord continues to strengthen me and He will do that for you too. There is so much to be thankful for.
Some days are harder than others but I have learned during difficult seasons to focus on God’s goodness. So today I have been counting my blessings. The Lord is so precious and always encouraging His children. I have definitely needed His extra love, strength and grace on this journey of healing. I sense God’s mercy and goodness every day and am truly thankful for the bountiful blessings in my life.
May I suggest that you take time each day to count your blessings, give God praise, and worship your way to victory. The Lord loves for us to praise Him. In fact, God dwells in the praises of His people. Think about that! When we praise Him He actually shows up in our life. Our praises bring His presence!
I’m so grateful for the blessing of being able to learn about good nutrition. My precious husband, Jim, has continually encouraged me during these past few years as we have made the transition to better eating habits. I’m so appreciative that we are in unity and both striving to avoid the pitfalls of poor nutrition.
I’m very concerned about the spiritual and physical well-being of God’s people. About 90 percent of the calls our Prayer Team handles are requests for physical healing. The prayer partners are there for you 24/7! Be sure to take advantage of our prayer line or submit a prayer request through the website. We have been receiving many wonderful praise reports of people being healed after prayer.
Jim and I believe that no matter what our current physical condition is, with God’s help and better nutrition, it can be improved. We are so blessed to have special guests who teach us how to obtain better health. Our bodies are fearfully and wonderfully made. We have learned that many diseases are caused by a lack of nutrition.
Let’s all attempt to take better care of the temple of God (our bodies). Just start where you are – even the smallest effort will be a step in the right direction. Thank you for caring and for being my friends. I consider each one of you a blessing from the Lord in my life. We are in this together!
I hope you will be able to visit us in the near future. Keep checking the website for all the exciting guests and upcoming special events.
Thank you for your love and support. I’m praying for you!
Dear Lori, you are victorious in our wonderful Savior. You are such a blessing to women of all ages, full of joy and positive attitudes no matter what your circumstances. The stinkin’ enemy is attacking you to keep you down but Praise The Lord! Our Lord and Savior is the Victor in the battle. Remember Paul’s words to look and move forward to the prize. Our Lord has forgiven our past, you are forgiven. But Praise Him for your testimony to help other women know of His forgiveness. The Lord Bless You, you are not alone.
Love from a sister in Nebraska.
It so refreshing to have such honesty . I appreciate both you and Jim & all you guys do.
God bless you Lori,i pray your health returns. He is an awesome God
Dear Lori – my sister in Christ – I pray the Lord will keep strengthening you and heal you completely. I pray that the Holy Spirit will reveal to you anything that may be secretly buried that only He knows about. Sometimes we are not aware of the things that when the time is right Jesus will bring to the surface. He heals us more deeply and completely – He is the Master Architect of our souls. I pray that when the time is right He will bring it to the surface. I pray Shalom – Shalom to fill you. I pray His joy to overtake you.
Thank you for being you! You are an enjoyable Epistle seen and read of God’s mercy and grace. I miss seeing you on the show but rejoice knowing you will be compleatly healed soon.
Dear Lori, you are not alone. Manny of us have lived ungodly lives as young people. I am so glad Jesus wiped away all of them. My youth was traumatic as I had no family and being gullible, taken advantage of just to be loved by someone. Jesus saved me at age 13 but filled me at 19 due to the prayers of my oldest sister. My old life seems like a dream because Jesus healed me of low self esteem and made me know I was somebody in Him. Because I rtemember my youth I am helping a 15 year old from a Godly family over the humps. She feels her family is too controling and makes her be involved in so many thing academaly and youth groups which she confides to me are jot what they are cracked up to be with stuff going on. She desires to be a missionary and I have no doubt she will do as God directs her.
she shares every thing with me and she is a misfit in the youth group who are into worldly things which she sees and disagrees with.She tell me she in miss imperfect. I hate the devil for doing this to my Libby and to you Lori. God be with you and love yourself, you are a natural born camera person. Beautiful and poised. Most of us could not carry the load you carry. A long time ago someone told me
“God must trust you a lot”, I pass that thought along to you because He has trusted you with a lot because He knew He could and you would ,with His help,, minister to many lost souls.
Encourage from an old 87 year soul.
Lori, Continue being strong and courageous! Know when you feel horrible that many of us are continuing to pray. The Lord knew at this date and time you would be going through this. Thank heavens there is treatment as horrible as it is. I feel like we would be friends, thanks for being so REAL on the show. We could go out and have a nice cup of tea. That would be nice since I’ve never been the out to lunch type. I’m 60 and work from home coating parts. I have my tv and make sure to watch daily. I really prepared for y2k it was just practice. Funds are not such that I can now so I put away a little when I can. The products are wonderful that you have to share. May the Lord wrap you in his blanket of healing . I pray you are washed in his healing blood from the top of your head to the tips of your toes. Blessings Pam
Lori, God loves you always. He is your healer. Praying for you.
Lori, what can I say, but I truly love you and know that Romans 8:28 is very, very true. It is my life verse as well. God is taking the things that were harmful in your life and turning them for good. Who better to understand a woman or young girl who finds herself pregnant and scared ? You were there… Who better to reach out to others from their experience to encourage and give hope to those who also may have hepatitis C or had used drugs and were caught up in the sex, drugs, and rock and roll lifestyle…but you Lori. Who better to understand the frustrations and challenges living with health Lori. God has placed you where He can use you to touch hearts with the love of God…you and Jim and your children each of them Maricella, Ricky, Claire, little Lori, and Marie have touched so many people….including myself. I shall continue to pray for you , your family and all at Morningside. I love you XOXO MyMy <3
God forgives you Lori.You will be healthy with Gods hand “
Lori, throughout God’s word, it’s telling us to look ahead to the infinity of the light we all with faith will travel through. Not to dwell in the human mistakes of the past, for it’s love that’s our greatest riches that we’ll be able to not only take into Heaven but, in being given a Zenith body body along with a Heavenly mind beyond what we can comprehend here, we’ll also enjoy a more comprehensive love we’ve never known here!
Look a head, always!
Dear Lori,
God Bless You, I am praying for you.
DEAREST LORI, I am praying for your speedy recovery and yes those healing hands ant the front of ORU (that use to stand at the front of the the City of Faith Medical center and later moved to the entrance of ORU when the Medical center which was a teaaching school for ORU medical students was dissolved) are so beautiful representing God and man coming together to heal! I passed them every day for 4 years on my way to work and church. i think the people who are born and raised there take that great beautiful representation for granted but those who visit for a while really love it! I pray for you daily and know that our God is a healing God and that you will well and full of strength! cant wait for you to be whole again! God bless you and know the HE is GOD!
Thank you for your post. Always makes me think and appreciate all the things I have. You are in Don and my prayers for renewed health and continued success and everything you do. I always love hearing about Lori’s house. Thank you again.
Dear Lori,
You are in my prayers. Diana
When I was in my 40’s, I’m 65 now. I was very ill for a couple of years. Some days I couldn’t even get out of bed. The Lord and I became so close, closer than We’ve ever been. The doctors couldn’t find out what it was. They finally said it was Epstein Bar disease. I would lay in bed and tell the Lord, “If I could just touch the edge of your garment Lord”. Lori, now is your time. “Snuggle” with the Lord as you go thru this and you WILL come out victorious! I love you, I love your cute little laugh, it makes me smile
Hello Lori, I think ur super,Jim is a lucky man, my wife passed 4 years ago,sugar diabetes congestive heart failure, my son now 25, was born pre mature, part of his brain did not develope, my grandma 93, held him down to her spoke in tonges for long time, he is now at msu Springfield, pre med student, long story, he is under attack please pray for him…ur friend. Ron
Dear Lori, I just had to write and thank you for your blog today. You blessed my heart so much. I feel exactly like you do when you said you felt so unworthy. I am so fearful of giving a witness like you were so brave to do. I just feel that I have done so many wrong things and God has blessed me so much, but now I am working in my church and how can I be so transparent because people would talk about me. I know that is what God would want me to do, but I just can’t. I am going through a spirit of depression right now also. I wish that you would pray for me to be more bold for the Lord. Thank you for your blog. I appreciate your honesty. It gives me strength to know that I’m not the only one who has struggled like this.
Lori, I am praying for you, you will come out stronger, Amen, by Jesus’s strips, you are healed.
Praying for your recovery.
Dear Lori,
I always enjoy reading your words.
Please know that you are in our prayers.
We miss you on the show, so please get well soon in the name of Jesus Christ.
Regarding my previous message…name should have been Susan, not Sudan. Thank you
God bless you Lori as you travel this road of ‘fighting the Dragon’. My husband has dealt with Hep C and completed a year of treatment (interferon) and has remained in remission now for many years. Stay strong sister! You can do this! Always here, Sudan
Hi Lori,
I am so grateful that God is helping you and Jim each day. I encourage you both to hang in there. Things may be hard right now with your therapy and all but things will get better. Yes Romans 8:28 is significant here. The Bible is such good news.
As a person who deals with chronic pain I have an idea of how important and wonderful healing from your disease will be. Don’t give up–ever. God can bring good out of anything and heal and bless. You’re teaching us all to take better care of ourselves. God gives the strength coupled with patience and endurance. Run the race with patience and confidence Lori. And God Bless Jim for standing behind you!! I know you support him too. Have a good day.
I want you to know that you are in prayers. I’ve been thinking of you daily. I know that God will bring you through this. You are such a Blessing!