A Message for Those Who Were Hurt in the Church

I grew up in church.  I went to services several times a week, always attended special campmeetings and revivals, and went to all the Summer youth camps.  I could have been the poster child for Sunday School. 

I don’t remember exactly when it started, but I can recall beginning to really take notice of how people in the church behaved.  I’m talking about people of all ages, some young, some old.  And I have to tell you that what I saw was not pretty.  In fact, some of it was downright revolting.  I became disillusioned with all the hypocrisy I saw.  And the worst part about it was that I felt judged by some of these people!  It really hurt to feel judged by people I couldn’t respect.

Well, as a lot of teenagers do, I used that knowledge as an excuse to rebel.  I rebelled against all types of authority; my parents, school, and especially the church.  I wanted nothing to do with ‘those people’.  I thought “if this is the way the church acts, then I don’t want to be a part of it.”  I lived off that philosophy and it served me well in my rebellious life.  I used it for an excuse to turn away from God too.  Now I could do whatever I chose and didn’t have to consider the way I was raised… so I thought. 

Years and years went by with my life going from bad to worse.  Most of you know my story –  many years of drugs, physical abuse, abortion, and infidelity brought me to a place of emptiness like I’ve never known. 

From time to time during the rebellious years, I had heard the Lord’s voice saying “Lori, I’m here, I love you, Come home!”  It was true that if you train up a child in the way they should go, when they are older they will not depart from it!

So, it was on Easter Sunday, 1989 that I decided it was time to go home. But, going back to Jesus, for me, meant going back to church, and I have to tell you that I was scared to death to go back to church.  I remembered those people from long ago that I considered hypocrites and I was terrified that I would be rejected. 

But, guess what?  Not even one person said one negative thing to me about my past.  They embraced me and received me with open arms!  I had nothing but love showered on me from my church, and I was back where I belonged!

Today, I feel like there are so many out there that are afraid to come back to Jesus because of negative experiences with people in the church.  They want Jesus, but don’t trust ‘church people’.  Don’t be afraid.  Jesus wants you to come home today.  People may let you down from time to time, but Jesus never will.  Don’t let what people may do or not do keep you from God!  Give him you heart and come home.  Forgive those who hurt you and come home!

Say this prayer with me today:

Lord, I know you are standing at the door knocking.  I am going to open that door to my heart today so that you can come in.  I’m sorry that I walked away and that I’ve been gone so long, but I miss you Jesus, I really do.  I’m sorry for not living according to your Word.  Please forgive me. I love you, Lord, and I want you in my heart.  Clean me up, Lord.  Help me to get anything out of me that is not like You.  Show me how to love again – the way You loved me and never left me.  I want to come home to you today.

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