The Clock is Ticking

Interestingly, it is the scientific community, not Christian theologians, announcing that we are living on the precipice of destruction.  Hollywood is heralding the news that the earth is about to encounter something cataclysmic.

A few brave prophetic voices are being heard, crying out in the wilderness of our world, warning us that our days are numbered.  The earth itself is groaning and creaking, seemingly in anticipation of a major shakeup of the status quo.

Ironically, the one group with relatively little to say about Christ’s soon return is the evangelical church.  Instead, we spend most of our time and energy trying to help people succeed in this life, rather than getting them ready for eternity.

Now is the time to get our lives aligned with God’s Word, to establish correct priorities, to invest in those things that will last a million years from now, rather than fickle, foolish, transitory material things. Even more important, now is the time for the Church, that group of true believers from every denomination, to begin functioning as the true body of Christ, caring for one another, helping one another as the family of God.

Knowledge that we are truly living in what the Bible refers to as “the last days” should also motivate Christians to more actively seek out opportunities to share the gospel with their unsaved friends and family members. In a very real way, the clock is ticking and time is running out.

Get Ready. . . Jesus is Coming!

If you are astounded that more than two hundred specific prophecies were fulfilled regarding the first coming of Christ, get ready for a surprise.

Over three hundred Scripture references point to the Second Coming.

But when Jesus Christ returns, He will not come as the Babe in Bethlehem’s manger.

The first time He came to Earth, Jesus came as the Man of Sorrows; at His Second Coming, He will appear as Almighty God.

He came first as the Lamb of God; when He returns, He will be the Lion of Judah.

At His incarnation, Jesus came as the Prince of Peace; when He comes again, it will be as King of kings and Lord of lords.

He came the first time to atone for sin.  When Jesus Christ returns the second time, He will judge sinners.

The signs of His appearing are all around us; you needn’t be a Bible scholar to sense that something unusual is happening on Earth.  Newspapers and news magazines practically shout from their pages, “These are getting – ready days!”

Let’s Keep Christ in Christmas!

Why do you think the world is so hell-bent on taking Christ out of Christmas?  Saying “Merry Christmas” is confessing Jesus Christ is real and that He lives.  It is confessing Jesus is part of our salvation!

Romans 10:9-10 says “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.  For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.” READ MORE

“Happy Church”

Every day, the scriptures are pointing the way to more and more global events that are definitely right out of the book of Revelation.  But you may not recognize the events of Revelation if you’re going to “Happy Church”.  “Happy Church” isn’t teaching about Revelation events!  They’re too busy teaching the prosperity gospel!  There are too many people putting their faith and their money into “Happy Church” when the world and its money systems are falling apart before our very eyes. 

Please!  Don’t put your faith in money.  Don’t stick your head in the sand and pretend that we are not experiencing the book of Revelation every single day!  It’s time NOW to awaken from your slumber and get ready!  Even if you are already a Christian, the Lord says He will “spew you out of His mouth” if you are lukewarm. 

If your church isn’t teaching Revelation, find one that is!  It’s later than you think – and time to get ready!

God loves you!  He really does!

Now is the Time (Pt. 1)

Yesterday, there were over 50 people killed at a Catholic church in Baghdad.  The news says they were targeted because they were Christians.  John 16:2 says …the time is coming that whoever kills you will think that he offers God a service. Can there be any doubt we are in that time?  We are entering a time of woes and it is not going to get better.  But we do have good news.  All of these things are just birth pangs.  Jesus is coming soon!

Saints of God, it’s time now to let go of everything that would hinder you in these last days.  The Lord wants people everywhere to know that NOW is their time.  You don’t have to just sit and die.  You may have been told it’s over, you’re done.  I tell you that the right time is NOW, the Day of Salvation is NOW.  It’s your time to get up, get out and do what the Lord has called you to do.  Every single seed that has been planted in your life will come forth!  Don’t give up!  Let the pain go and let the healing begin!

Now Is the Time – Part 2

End Times in the News

Almost every  day when I awake, there seems to be a new prophetic event happening somewhere in the world.  It’s a daily occurrence, or more than daily with several things happening at once.

For example, today’s news talked of earthquakes and volcanoes in Indonesia, tsunamis, hurricanes raging in the Caribbean, terrorist bombs in packages bound for the U.S, and a young mother who shook her baby to death because she wanted to play “Farmville” on Facebook and the  baby kept interrupting her. READ MORE

Now Is the Time (Pt. 2)

Several times in the last couple of months, I have given away watches to the entire studio audience here on Grace Street and included them with other love offers.  Along with the watch comes a message from Lord.  I tell the people, every time you see this watch, think “NOW is my time!”

Many of the Lord’s people have been oppressed, depressed, and repressed.  There is one commonality in all those words – it’s the PRESS.  Many of us feel as though we have been in a press lately, and some feel as though their entire life has been a press of one form or another.  Take heart!  Your best days are just ahead. READ MORE

A Fourth of the World’s People – Gone!

 The fourth horse and rider are about to emerge, following closely behind the second and third horsemen. (Remember, when the events of revelation begin to unfold, they will happen in rapid succession.)

When He opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature saying, “Come and see.” So I looked, and behold, a pale horse. And the name of him who sat on it was Death, and Hades followed with him. And power was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword, with hunger, with death, and by the beasts of the earth. (6:7 NKJV) READ MORE

No One Cares For My Soul

Matthew 24:12 tells us one of the characteristics of the last days will be that the “love of many will grow cold”.  I don’t know about you, but when I thought of that verse before, I always thought Jesus was talking to those who were outside the Church; those that were in the ‘world’.  But of recent days, I have begun to see how this verse may apply to those who are within the Church, or appear to be in the Church. 

In the last days, churches will contain both, wheat (the real deal Christians) and tares (pretenders).   Within their ranks, there will be those who are ruled and motivated by many things; some by a search for significance, some by a need for control, some by a need for recognition, and some are motivated by love.  Jesus said not to try and separate them because only He knows the heart – and if you try to uproot the tares, you may pull up and destroy some wheat with them.  But be assured, there is a Church within the church.

Jesus also said that you would ‘know them by their love’ for one another.  Yet, this love that is supposed to exist for one another is suspiciously absent in many churches.  I’m not talking about congeniality or surface social graces.  I’m talking about the kind of love that stands with a brother or sister in the dark hours of trials, even when the reason for the trial may have been self-inflicted. 

Today’s Christianity all too often casts aside those who exhibit anything less than perfect performance according to the letter of the law.  In the Old Testament, David gave us much to think about in how we treat our brothers and sisters in Christ.  David had made far too many mistakes.  He had not only made mistakes but also had committed deliberate, treacherous acts of adultery and even murder.  He had repeatedly sinned against God and his fellow man – yet he was still God’s chosen leader!  Though God chose David and never changed His mind, David’s friends and family had all left him!  David’s anguish can be heard in the following verse:

Psalm 142:4 “Look to the right and see: there is none who takes notice of me; no refuge remains to me; no one cares for my soul.”

You see, David had a heart that was repentant – many times repentant!  God described David as a “man after my own heart”.  He had sinned grievously and repeatedly but he had also repented from his heart, with tears and cried out to God not to take His Spirit from him, but to create in him a clean heart and renew a right spirit within him.  He was a God-seeker, though he had given in to his natural desires and even to his rages on many occasions.  David appeared to be the epitome of a hypocrite – yet he was anointed of God to lead and defend God’s people! 

David was well aware of his own failures and he grieved over them!  He hated the weaknesses of his own flesh and despised himself for giving in to them.  But one thing he could not and would not do is to deny who he was in God.  If there was one thing he was sure about – it was his identity and the anointing that was on his life.  God had ordained him in his youth to be a king and a king he would be!  Though the world, the flesh, the devil and all of hell had tried to remove David’s God-given purpose, they could not!

Saints of God, the enemy of your soul is after your very identity in these last days!  Do you remember when Jesus asked the disciples, “who do you say I am”?  Every single religious authority had challenged Jesus’ very identity.  In fact, they crucified Him for telling the truth of Who He really was!  If those who said they loved him didn’t know who He was, then how could the world be expected to?  Only by divine revelation of LOVE can any of us love the other as Jesus commanded. 

One of the most devastating and psychologically damaging things that can happen to a person is to take away one’s identity.  Sometimes this is done when people are abducted or kidnapped, sometimes when they are abandoned or imprisoned, sometimes when they simply move to a place where nobody knows them.  The feeling of being unknown or anonymous is very close to feeling as if you do not exist at all.  

As humans, we are relational and if we are normal, our desire is to know others and to be known, i.e. relationships.  As spiritual beings, it is even more essential that we are known (intimately) in the recesses of the heart by our fellow followers of Christ.  Jesus said, you don’t know ME because you don’t know my Father (referring to God the Father), because if you did know God the Father, you would have known ME!  When others challenge your identity in Christ, you would do well to remember how Jesus handled that accusation.  And if you challenge the identity in Christ of another, remember who the Accuser is.  It is not your place to judge another’s heart – that is reserved for the One Who can.

It’s your job to LOVE one another and encourage each other.

Those who are survivors and champions of life, those who held onto the promises of God though none stood with them, and those who fought the good fight of faith;  those who through it all, did not lose their faith or the knowledge of who God had called them to be…. Are worthy of honor and of love and of respect.

Care for someone’s soul today.

U.S. is Hated Among the Nations

Have you ever wondered why the U.S. is hated among other nations?  We all see news items almost every day where someone is burning a U.S. flag or blaming the U.S. for the woes of the world.  The Iranian president recently said, “May the undertaker bury you, your table and your body, which has soiled the world,” using language reserved for hated enemies.  Bin Laden is said to be involved with a plot to cover the U.S. and Europe with terrorism.  Mass transit systems are said to be targeted for attack. 

The U.S. has always been a leader in warning of terrorist threats around the world.  That’s one reason we are hated. 

But probably the greatest reason the U.S. is hated is that we are largely followers of Jesus.  People that do not believe in Jesus, hate Jesus followers.  Haters of Jesus want to cause problems all over the world.

We have a “sure warning” of the signs of the times and we don’t need to make up anything new!  It is the Word of God!  And the Word tells us that as Disciples of Christ, we will be hated for His Name’s sake!

Matthew 24:9,10 “Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name’s sake. And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another.”

Matthew 10:22 “All men will hate you because of me, but he who stands firm to the end will be saved.”

John 15:18 “If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first.”

John 15:21 “They will treat you this way because of my name, for they do not know the One who sent me.”

We have nothing to fear from the world if we just leave Jesus out.  The devil doesn’t fight you when the love of money is your goal.  “Happy Church” is so much easier.  It poses no threat to the evil present in the world. 

But if we preach Christ, and Him crucified, we pose a threat to the devil’s kingdom – and we can expect to be hated by those who hate Him.  If we keep telling people about Jesus, the Messiah, the Savior of the world, those who do not receive Him as such will continue to hate us and to gnash their teeth at us in anger and fury. 

The anti-christ spirit is arising in the world because the time is short, and it will try its best to kill those who know Jesus as the one and only true Christ.

But Jesus is still Lord over all that is against Him and His Church!  And in the end, every knee shall bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord!

Be sure to check the “Breaking Revelation News” section of the Jim Bakker Show website to keep up to date on world news that is describing prophetic events daily.