The Cutting Edge Church

I believe the Church should be on the cutting edge. When you think about what that statement really means, it means to be razor-sharp and out front. The sharp edge is what goes first and cuts through obstructions so you can get to the vital target.

Sometimes the cutting edge is in revelatory teaching and preaching which we believe in doing here at Morningside. But more often the cutting edge is in action – you have to DO SOMETHING to complete the process! Faith without works is dead!

I have often said that we (the Church) should not be the victim in the end times. We know from the scriptures and from the signs we see in the earth and in the heavens that catastrophic things will occur and are occurring every day. We have the Word of God that illuminates (shines the light on) these things.

So, because we know what is coming, we should be proactive! The government should not be taking care of us – we should take care of each other! Pastors of local churches cannot take care of all the people. It will be too much for one man. You ALL will need to help one another! That is the definition of the Church being the Church.

Jesus said “you will know them by their love” for one another. Loving one another means doing the best we can to not only profess our faith, but to take action to first prepare, and then to protect and provide for the family of God. And not only should we take care of one another, but we should be able to give to others. I learned many years ago that you will never be able to minister to a person’s spirit until their hungry bodies are fed.

Jesus said the end of the age is the Harvest Time. When you think about the awesome plan of God to bring many people into the Kingdom at the end of the age, you have to marvel that we, as the Church, are entrusted to execute much of that plan. I don’t know about you, but that’s an awesome privilege and an even greater responsibility. One that requires a very sharp edge – a cutting edge.

2 thoughts on “The Cutting Edge Church

  1. Shalom, My ex, Mark Hasselbring, has been telling me about your program & your testimonie of your ex salvation. I had cold chills as he told me over the phone. So, I asked myneighbors nephew to hook up mytv, which I have used only for videos for manyyears. He also loaned me a fantastic antena.Love all of the family interaction today about OLivia’s birth!!! We started praepping Y2K & I have not quit since. Sprouting is my main focus. I have many grains/seeds wjhich I use regularly. I can, dehydrate, & collect other usable items.
    Mark gifted me w/ a water storage container, the water filter, chips/salsa, a loaf of yummy bread, & 2 lentil burger mixs.
    Shalom, Becky blessings to one and all!!!

  2. Mrs Bakker,Amen.You couldn’t be more right.
    No group:from Romans,French or Soviets ever showed a true Communism as the early Church, and that is because it was out of love.

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