Time Has Come (Pt. 3)

Many first-century believers—including, no doubt, the Apostle John—expected Jesus to return within their lifetime. When He didn’t, some people became disillusioned and discouraged. They did not understand that certain things had to happen in history before Christ’s return. For instance, according to Jesus’ own words, Jerusalem had to be under Jewish control before the end-times events begin to happen. That did not occur until 1948, when the nation of Israel was re-established, and Jerusalem once again came under the governance of the Jewish people, though both Christianity and Islam have sacred sites there.  Consequently, most, if not all, of the prophecies recorded in Revelation, can easily be fulfilled in our generation. Now, when the prophetic mysteries begin to unfold, they will occur in rapid succession. That’s why you need to have your heart right and your house in order now, ready today for the return of Jesus Christ.

At the same time, the Apostle Paul warned that “the day of Christ,” including the Lord’s climactic return, would not happen until the “man of sin” is revealed.  This is the Antichrist who “takes his seat in the temple of God, displaying himself as being God.”

If the Antichrist is going to be on the rise, wisdom says we should prepare to go through some difficult days before the Lord’s return. I know you are hoping that Jesus will come prior to the tribulation period, and so am I.  But what if you are living right where you are today when the “four horsemen of Revelation” begin to ride, when unprecedented natural disasters strike the world, and when the Antichrist appears?  What will you do? Will you even understand the significance of these developments? All of these things and more are definitely going to happen; the only question is when.

Excerpt from Time Has Come

One thought on “Time Has Come (Pt. 3)

  1. Hi Jim,

    The LORD spoke in December 2012 in a still small voice to me and
    said” “My son,I will bring my edict to this world and after this I will
    not delay My coming.”

    Also, shortly thereafter said, in the still small voice, but recognizable
    by this one called saint of 40 years,:
    ” My son, my son, Draw closer to me. For the day is approaching.”
    I’m drawing closer!!
    Putting away the beggerly elements of this sinful and wicked world.
    Prayer, reading of GODs Word to us, attending church of The LORD
    JESUS CHRIST, and singing to Him at all times.

    a minister of JESUS CHRIST. Acts 2:38.

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