Treasure Discovered On The Temple Mount

In what is being called a “breathtaking, once-in-a-lifetime discovery”, two bundles of treasure has been found during an excavation at the foot of the Temple Mount.

Dr. Eilat Mazar discovered 36 gold coins, gold and silver jewelry and a gold medallion with a menorah etched into it. According to ynet, the medallion also has an inscription of a shofar and Torah scroll.

Mazar is a third-generation archaeologist from Hebrew University’s Institute of Archaeology.

“We have been making significant finds from the First Temple Period in this area, a much earlier time in Jerusalem’s history, so discovering a golden seven-branched Menorah from the seventh century CE at the foot of the Temple Mount was a complete surprise,” Mazar said.

The discovery was made near the Temple Mount’s southern wall. Mazar speculates the medallion is likely an ornament for a Torah scroll.

One thought on “Treasure Discovered On The Temple Mount

  1. This is amazing. Thanks for sharing. I had the honor of being in Israel in March of this year. What a blessing.. There is much excavation going on in that area. Exciting to see the pic of this medallion that was unearthed in Jerusalem with the Menorah, Torah, and Shofar on it. Considering that modern day Israel had to look to The Triumphant Arch of Titus to see the description of the Temple treasures carried back to Rome after the destruction of The Temple in AD70, it makes this find all the more exciting! The Roman soldiers took the sacred articles from the temple to Rome just as the Babylonians took the sacred articles of the 1st Temple to Babylon. Because of that in Daniel 5 when the sacred goblets were defiled, the Babylonian empire ended that night. Keep your eyes on Rome. Revelation tells us that Mystery Babylon (Rome) will be destroyed in one hour. There are many reasons as to why, but don’t ever discount the common denominator of the Sacred Articles of The Temple. When Israel became as Nation on May 14, 1948, the Jewish people in Rome spontaneously went to the Arch of Titus. They have always refused to walk thru thenArch, but on this day,there was a notable exception. As a unified group, they walked through the arch in the opposite direction from the original Ancient Roman triumphal march. LOVE ISRAEL!

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