Drive-In “Sex Boxes” Opened in Switzerland

Luke 17:28-30 “Likewise as it was also in the days of Lot: They ate, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they built” but on the day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all. Even so will it be in the day when the Son of Man is revealed.

If a man wants to pick up a prostitute in Zurich, Switzerland, the government is now providing a place for them to go.

Officials in Zurich say it’s a way for them to regulate prostitution, stop pimping and improve working conditions for sex workers.

The nine “sex boxes” look like small garages where men can park with prostitutes. The boxes show signs about using condoms and an emergency button if a prostitute feels threatened by their john.

Drivers will follow a special road where the government will station 40 different prostitutes for men to pick from and negotiate prices for using the government build boxes. If a man picks up a prostitute outside of three government designated sex zones, he could face a fine of close to $500.

“We want to regulate prostitution because until now it was the law of the jungle,” said Michael Herzig, from Zurich’s social welfare department, told the Daily Telegraph. “It was the pimps who decided the prices, for instance. We are trying to reach a situation which is better for the prostitutes themselves, for their health and security and also for people who live in Zurich.”

3 thoughts on “Drive-In “Sex Boxes” Opened in Switzerland

  1. We are trying to reach a situation which is better for the prostitutes themselves, for their health and security and also for people who live in Zurich.”

    Oh right…. legalized prostitution “by the government” THAT will certainly help society! Much like legalized abortions in Ireland and then the same “idea” came to America to help the suicide rate of women decline when they became pregnant! The opposite happened! Suicide rates in women went UP when the reality dawns on them they had taken a little life aka murder.

    We need to find our place in the Kingdom at Hand, and press in with prayer and be “doers” of the Word to be all we are called to be… and all the while claim: “Even so, come Lord Jesus come”!

    I’m so personally thankful I may be “in” this world but HALLELUJAH I’m not “of” this world!

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