Gregory Stenstrom reveals who’s running the USA: “The Council”

Department-of-Just-Us-image-for-The-Council-1536x780 The Department of Just-Us

Romans 1:18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth.

Important Takeaways:

  • “The Council” and everyone and everything that emanates from them, has controlled the United States for the past fifty years for the purpose of extracting our nation’s wealth.
  • They use the tools of indictments, obstruction, and government agencies they have weaponized to attack their enemies under false color of law. They alone select who will be winners and losers in politics, business, the economy, media, elections, education, and do so with complete amorality.
  • The Council is an “untouchable,” legislatively codified, sui generis[1] organization with tentacles embedded in every government agency and branch of government except for the Supreme Court of the United States.
  • From their perspective, they own the United States of America. It is “theirs,” and “they” are its self-appointed stewards. Anyone who is “not them” are “useful idiots,” “useful innocents,” or human chattel to be discarded to necro-politics.[2] The rest of us are expendable “carbon units” assigned positive and negative values depending on our relative usefulness to them. This is their language.
  • To this end, “The Council,” in addition to controlling weaponized government agencies through the seventy-four (74) Inspectors General embedded in government agencies, controls a Political Arm, an Intelligence Arm, an Infiltration Arm, a Business Arm, a Propaganda Arm, and an Entertainment Arm.
  • “The Council” aka “CIGIE” aka “Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency”
  • Every “investigation” of public official malfeasance and corruption falls within the realm of their purview. They unilaterally decide the trajectory of “justice” in the United States, and hence, who is “punished” and who is not. Any appointed or elected public official – including the President of the United States – is ripe for their “investigation,” isolation, smearing, persecution in the guise of prosecution, and destruction at their whim.
  • “The Council’s” “Political Arm” are those politicians selected, installed, and protected – by “The Council” – to do their bidding and implement their directives and policy. In return for these politicians’ fealty and submission, they indirectly wield the power of “The Council” with complete immunity from laws and the Constitution. “The Council” is solely responsible for investigating crimes, or obstructing investigations and attacking and disposing of anyone who might attempt to hold them, and their agents, accountable. All federal “whistleblowers” must, as a matter of law, report to their respective Inspectors General, and defacto “The Council.”
  • [The depth of this article is longer than what could be posted. To learn more of the Who’s Who follow the link below]

Read the original article by clicking here.