Oregon Youth Use Love Over Hate

Matthew 5:44 But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.

When an Oregon church was tagged with Satanist graffiti this week, many people saw it as a hate-speech attack. Vandals placed an upside down cross and the number 666 on the side of the building.

The youth of New Vision Church saw it as an opportunity.

Samuel Wilson, youth and worship pastor of New Vision Church, told the Christian Post that he had planned to just repaint the wall white. However, he was told he had to wait until the police reports were filed and they were given the OK to paint.

While they waited, Wilson and the youth began to think of facing this situation another way.

“We thought the way that Jesus responds to people was, most of the time, radical, and we thought, ‘Well, how can we respond to something like this in a way where we would be able to share our faith with these people should they walk back by the building?'” Wilson told the Christian Post.

Wilson said that he let God guide the students and a local artist who attends their church. The result was a mural that has themes such as “beauty for ashes”, “waves of mercy” and the 666 was turned into a heart with a crown of thorns.

“Just because someone’s coming at you with negativity doesn’t mean that you have to be negative back…Just be positive. Just show them Jesus’ love,” Wilson said.

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