U.S. To Hold Peace Talks With Terrorists

United States officials have confirmed they will be holding peace talks with Islamic terrorist group The Taliban.

The first meeting will take place in Doha, Qatar. The Taliban have opened their “official” overseas office in Qatar. Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai says his government will also send officials to negotiate peace with the terrorists.

The announcement came as NATO was turning control of the nation’s security fully to Afghani government forces. NATO forces will remain in-country through 2014 but only to provide support and backup where needed.

US officials confirmed to reporters the first meeting will be next week. The U.S. negotiators will reportedly demand the Taliban renounce terrorism and violence, break all ties with al-Qaeda, respect the Afghanistan constitution and the rights of women and minorities.

A Taliban statement said they support a political and peaceful solution that ends “Afghanistan’s occupation” and “guarantees the Islamic system”.

This is the second time the Obama administration has tried to negotiate peace terms with the Taliban. In early 2012 the Taliban refused to meet because the U.S. had demanded the inclusion of the Afghani government.

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