Northern Ireland To Open First Abortion Clinic

Deuteronomy 27:25 ESV “‘Cursed be anyone who takes a bribe to shed innocent blood.’ And all the people shall say, ‘Amen.’

“We have so devalued human life in our society that for many people it is a small thing to kill another person.”

-Jim Bakker in “Prosperity and the Coming Apocalypse”

A private group is opening the first abortion clinic in Northern Ireland.

Northern Ireland is not governed under the UK’s Abortion Law and the group will only be able to provide abortion services during the first nine weeks of pregnancy to comply with the country’s abortion laws.

Anti-abortion groups are calling for the group’s clinic to not be allowed to open.

The clinic staff is trying to calm opposition by claiming they will only be performing a medical procedure and not a surgical procedure. The clinic, however, said they will offer services to women within the Republic of Ireland even if they don’t live in Northern Ireland.

Jim Allister, Member of Ireland’s Legislative Assembly, said that the group was trying to expand abortion in Northern Ireland.

However, he said the group isn’t as “pro-choice” as they claim to be.

“[They’re pro-choice] except for the unborn child, who has no choice, in their view, and who should be put to death, because that’s what abortion is,” Allister said.

Government officials plan to closely monitor the clinic to make sure it doesn’t violate current laws.


2 thoughts on “Northern Ireland To Open First Abortion Clinic

  1. Good subject related to choice of foods, etc. Unfortunately, babies have no choice of living or dying. They are at the mercy of nature and other humans. Why God allows a few abortions to fail, I’ll never understand, but I thank Him for saving their lives. He must cry over the sinful abusive treatment to all His undelivered babies and children who are still living. We, also, weep!

  2. Do you know what’s just as appalling as abortion clinics? Fast food restuarants! Both kill. Not only does America need to repent of being sensitized to abortion, but America also needs to repent of being a fat nation. We have threw all caution to the wind and have let our lifestyles get out of control and are totally destroying our bodies. How many people have a regular exercise routine coupled with a healthy diet. My guess is not very many people. Most peoples lives are consumed with eating fast food, and not exercising, but is destroying the very temples that our bodies are suppose to be. Only the Lord can help you get off the couch, deliver you from fast food, help you develop an exercise routine, enroll in CrossFit, etc.

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