School Punishes Students Who Refuse RFID Tracking

Students at two schools in San Antonio, Texas are being refused access to libraries and cafeterias if they will not allow themselves to be tracked with an RFID chip.

Andrea Hernandez, a sophomore at John Jay High School, said the school administration has refused to acknowledge her concerns about privacy and has banned her from participating in school elections if she does not carry a card with an RFID chip that would allow school administrators to track her at all times.

The school claims the action was taken to combat truancy which has reduced the school’s funding. Despite Ms. Hernandez’s objection that the continual tracking via the RFID chip violates her religious beliefs as “being like the mark of the beast” the school is demanding she carry the tracking card or face worse punishment.

The school sent a letter to the girl’s parents threatening further punishment if she refused to be tracked by the chip.

“I urge you to accept this solution so that your child’s instructional program will not be affected,” Deputy Superintendent Ray Galindo wrote. “There will be consequences for refusal to wear an ID card as we begin to move forward with full implementation.”

Heather Fazio of Texans for Accountable Government filed a Freedom of Information Act request for $30 and was able to obtain names and addresses of every student in the school district.

“This information along with an RFID reader means a predator could use this information…[to] track them wherever they go,” Fazio said.

Gonzalez’s parents tried to contact the ACLU to fight for their daughter’s religious freedom but the group refused to help them.


7 thoughts on “School Punishes Students Who Refuse RFID Tracking

  1. Hey ya’ll: October 11th, 2012

    Yea, Jay is on top of it all. Yet we gots to take some of the responsibility on ourselves. I mean Revelation is not some pre-programed machine impregnated into us -No. Revelation (reveals Jesus, yes) reveals what we all are in for because we have tresspassed His Word, we have not excercised dominion. Apothetic. (Will He find faith?) Through generations, we (the church) have turned it all over to the world system & governments. And now we (the children’s children) crry out help?

    The storms are here. The enemy via the ignorant (& mostly via the governmental systems –by what structure is the man of perdition to arise through?; Government!!!) is on an all-out run so to get it into place before it (satan) is found out (-to run with the horses or are we weary in simply walking?). So will we overcome by the Blood of the Lamb (we are priests yet do we apply His Blood?), by the words of our testimony (i.e. confessing & living His word), & by not loving our lives even unto death (lifestyle, the daily crucification of our souls, the saving of our souls by the washing of the water with the Word -Holy Spirit + the Bible).

    The intention is not to be cold. The intention is to wake up.
    Just like we should not rely upon the world’s food market place (be prepared for the No food senerio), we in no way should rely upon the government. Aren’t we supposed to rely upon God??? Isn’t the government (@ least the USofA government) supposed to rely upon the church? Yet most are now dependant upon the government, be it welfare, section 8, food stamps, medical, daycare, schools, etc.

    I do not know of a single Christian school that tags their students, not one.
    Also, I do not know of a single Christian home-schooler that tags their student(s).

    So the Q is -Are we set apart???
    Are we an example to the rest of the world & thereby their desirous to be with & like us???
    The mormons & the Jahova witnesses are more “set apart” than we as the Body of Christ. I do not like to release this, yet I sence an extreme seperation come’N on. And I am talking within the Body. And those who keep their lamps full with extra Holy Ghost will make the cut.

    Because of Jesus,

    P.S. Intel proves that the dermal and sub-dermal passive RF chip definitely stimulates tumorous growth into cancer. Said chip is a magnifier of the microwave / radio signal and thereby magnifies this radiation into the surrounding tissue. Nasty!
    P.S.S. Personally, I believe the the “mark of the beast” is a device that will alter the soul without recourse. (The “saving of the soul” vs the antichrist technique being that of 100% opposite.)


  3. School using threats and punishments to get their way?. Now, have they not learned that is no way to gain favor? What poor modeling for the students. What are the hours students are to carry the card? Before and after school, or just the hours of classes so attendance can be counted and tax funding can continue from the State? Too many loose ends? There are ways to work out an agreeable compromise so that in both situations there will be winners. There can be civil discussions so that needs can be expressed and met for both sides. After all, religious freedoms, especially Christian religious freedoms are challenged every day and losing. Let’s let our Original Constitution be the determining factor.

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