Nigerian Student Massacre Raises Questions

John 16:2  Indeed, the hour is coming when whoever kills you will think he is offering service to God.

“We have so devalued human life in our society that for many people it is a small thing to kill another person.”

-Jim Bakker in “Prosperity and the Coming Apocalypse”

Police sources in Mubi, Nigeria are claiming that an attack that killed at least 26 people at a college hostel was connected to a student union election. However other sources are pointing out that Christians appear to have been targeted by men dressed as soldiers believed to be connected to the Islamic terror group Boko Haram.

Men in military uniforms entered a resident hall outside the main campus of Federal Polytechnic Mubi around midnight Monday. They gathered students outside their rooms, called out some by name who were then executed and the bodies lined up outside the building.

While police are claiming it was student violence, there is no track record of such violence in Nigerian schools despite a history of rivalries between student groups. The school’s deputy registrar told the AFP news agency claims of student involvement is false.

“It is a fallacy,” Shuaib Aroke said. “We are united here at Polytechnic.”

A former president of the National Association of Nigerian Students believes the attacks come from Christians being placed in positions of authority on the campus days after the Islamic terror group Boko Haram had dozens of members arrested in the city over previous days.

“The rector of the Polytechnic is from south Nigeria and he’s a Christian,” Ken Henshaw told the BBC. “Surprisingly, the person who won the [student Presidency] election was also a Christian.”

That student was among the people called out by name for execution during the assault.

Boko Haram has yet to claim responsibility for the attack. The group has been working to instill Sharia Law across the nation and has killed more than 1,000 people this year.


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