Imposter on a White Horse

The first horse was white in color. John wrote, “And I looked, and behold, a white horse. He who sat on it had a bow; and a crown was given to him, and he went out conquering and to conquer” (6:2 NKJV). 

 Some Christians believe that the rider of this white horse is Christ, moving among His church conquering evil, even in the midst of the Tribulation, and ultimately conquering over all. I view this rider as just the opposite; I believe he is the Antichrist 

This imposter wants to look like Jesus, who also is pictured as a conquering hero on a white horse (Rev. 19:11). 

 Remember, the devil is the great deceiver and the great counterfeiter. He tries to give the impression that he is as powerful as Jesus, but the devil is a defeated foe. 

The rider of Revelation 6 has no arrows, only a bow. Nevertheless, do not underestimate the power of the devil’s agent on earth, the Antichrist. This satanic emissary will rise to power on a platform of peace, prosperity, and miracles. He will not have to use weapons to conquer the world and evoke the worship of man. 

The Antichrist will not use force; he will use his cunning words. His talk will be slick and enticing; he will promise peace and prosperity to a world that by that time will be ready to hand over the keys of authority to anyone who holds out hope of escaping the chaos that will have begun to plague the earth. 

Notice also that the Antichrist doe not earn a crown, nor does he inherit a crown; it is not intrinsically his, it I given to him. This crown is not a symbol of royalty but is more the type worn in ancient times by winners of the public games. Indeed, the Antichrist will win over public opinion polls as our world willingly hands him the keys to the kingdoms. 

And for about three and a half years, the Antichrist will deliver. He will provide peace and security and some measure of happiness. 

This is what alarms me so much about the materialistic Christianity that millions of Christians have been taught to accept. 

 The church is unwittingly being prepared to accept the Antichrist. We are being taught o seek happiness rather than joy, to love things more than Jesus. 

 We are being taught to seek after miracles and signs and wonders rather than to develop trust and perseverance. When the Antichrist comes to power, he will offer security for our material things, as well as signs and wonders and miracles. 

I believe the Antichrist is alive on Earth today. Somewhere in the world, probably in Western Europe or possibly in he Middle East, is a man more diabolical than any human being who has ever walked the face of the earth. 

He is more evil than Adolf Hitler; more ruthless than Stalin; more murderous than Mao Tse-Tung, Pol Pot, and Idi Amin combined. 

Within a few years he will rapidly rise to power, and he will dominate future events worldwide, until Jesus Christ comes back to destroy him. 

I know it sounds like the plot of a Hollywood movie, but Hollywood could not devise a plot this intricate. 

 If you are a connoisseur of horror movies about the Antichrist, you really ought to read the Book!

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